Terra Cotta: My musings on...and resulting actions with.

Question; If i gave it a refractory cement lining.. would that end up too hot for the kiln materials i am using?
I was cursing myself this morning for STILL not having a reliable way to set cones. I'm too scared to use clay.
I'm getting good at reading the glassyness though! Ha!

They always fall.

Bout to use my powers of persuasion to get SS cones on the cheap. (I have no power of persuasion, it just sounds good.)

Bro. That is thick. You might want to bury air pockets in individual layers to aid drying.

Sawdust too.



You can check with Leo about how terrible I am at making it to Milwaukee, but I think I want to give you my Anna. An electric body. A six sided 17x23 with mehlements.

She wants to work more than I will be able to offer her in the near future.

Time to go see the Milverine.

Eeeesh.. i’m reading your comment on the thickness NOW.. 🤣 and about to post more pictures and its still real thick.. if not a bit thicker...😬😬😬

The mix is heavily sand....

Eeesh what should I do?... just see if it’ll dry?.. aid the drying EXTERNALLY some way?..... damn it. 🤓

And about your Anna: Holy hell! Thank you!!!!!Are you for real? 😍😍😍. Good things (Generally) don’t ever really happen for me.. so I don’t..quite.. know how to act.... That would be INCREDIBLY generous of you..😍😍😍

Truth be told.. my eyes are “watery”..

Must’ve got some clay in them.
Crimson? ;)

Out of the two(ish) miles we hiked of eroded cliffsides/dunes.. this clay was only in ONE vein.
Should i do that ASAP?

Heat it? I wouldn't. A good couple sunny days will dry it.

I have recently been convinced anything over an inch thick will never get bone dry without mechanical assistance, (slow heat under 212f.)

Unless you are in 0 humidity.

Heat it? I wouldn't. A good couple sunny days will dry it.

I have recently been convinced anything over an inch thick will never get bone dry without mechanical assistance, (slow heat under 212f.)

Unless you are in 0 humidity.

Haha yeah.. i’m gonna let it go for a bit.. :)

Trying to find something to use as a lid-mould.. or structure.. or what-have-you.

Saw this, then realized the metal wouldn’t hold up.. but still got excited for a second.😆

Buut seems like galvanize steel (but i’m not great with “metals”).... so that actually would be fine for MY temps... I think.. eh....
If you remove it now or can survive.

Shrinkage...lake Michigan...or otherwise...

Will ...maybe crack it.

I'm with you won't a mold.

Mil to Ill Ill to ILL waukee!

Yeeeah.. that’s not comin’ off of there. 🤣🤣 I’ll wait until it dries, cracks.. then i’ll reclaim.
Just waiting on the kiln stuff to dry... going to collect some dirt to “bury” it in.. above ground.

Also going to collect some of that dark crimson clay I found for “piece work” lol.. it’s supposed to rain all day...

Good! Fill my buckets. 🤓
Also.. galv. steel breaks down closer to 3000, i believe... i could line the INSIDE of that “80’s chair piece” with refractory cement... and it should work. I’ll just leave the cracked, poor-looking mud/sand/ clay on top. It doesn’t have to be pretty.. just functional... like breakfast..

Ba-kiln n’ Eggs.
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