Imperial Masterpiece
Are those bodies grogged enough ?
Good Day
Good Day
Are those bodies grogged enough ?
Good Day
about the grog
Yeah about that! Lol! Shouldn't have got the "coarse".
I thought I used a clay body before with coarse...but turns out, need a diamondplated knife to cut through that shit! Definitely not for handbuilding! Well, not knifecut handbuilding!
Sand is better. I have yet to dry and fire many large pieces with just sand, but it builds so nicely!
Kiln is looking good!
Hey @HorseloverFat don't take this the wrong way, cause you sound like a cool dude, and I enjoy a lot of your posts, but jeez, it looks like you're living in some post apocalypse world there. The mud, home made kiln, a giant "safe"? in the background, some impressive slabs of wood covering what, some sort of pit? (I didn't read all 12 pages of the post, so sorry if this was addressed already)
This reminds me of that guy who built his own toaster from scratch.
Carry on!
Enjoyed seeing your experiments here.
Why do you have the thuja on top of it? Just for the smell?