Blush More! lol, I'm kidding, don't fucking blush! Ha!
But Your kiln design must be some kinda good if it is red hotting your pots in an hour, and your pots are not blowing up!
This is a recipe for success!
Basically, once you get passed steam expansion blow up, and are into red hottedness, you need only keep stoking and wait wait wait, stoke wait, wait, stoke.
A kiln that is fast to heat up is only poor if it is blowing up pots. of course, this says a lot of your ability to wait till things are bone dry before firing them as well, that's a dual kudos! Too, the clay body, and everything else that matters. So bloody nice!
Real potters fire on color alone. (modern real potters use cones). But we ain't modern. YOU KNOW!
After a while, you may want to investigate the rate at which different types of wood give their energy. Resiny wood like pine burns hot fast, hardwoods burn slower and give energy slow. At the wood fire kiln I fired at, we separated pine from Hardwood and used it accordingly. In a small kiln as yours, it would make sense to burn hardwoods till 200F, then pines to raise temps faster for a period where you are there attending, then hardwoods slow to burn out carbons for however long you can muster, then a mix to finish the firing while attending again. This is merely a seed for thought.
Bonsai was valuable to me when Sorting wood types at the kiln. This will work for you as well in the reverse, learning these woods to fire your kiln will help you with bonsai.
I believe this thing you and I share is changing people. The power of this is great, I am using it selfishly. Only with knowledge that there is plenty of this energy to go around.