Shut the whole damn country down!

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Yesterday I took my girlfriend out of quarantine to do some groceries. She does the initial entry tests for covid and she's been locked up since the start of March. She was complaint free for 14 days and has been since the start, so we decided it was time to restock.
We almost tripped over the elderly, walking in pairs, taking their time to touch every product and put it back on the shelves, having chats at the grocery store coffee machine.

Most super markets have special hours at the start of the day to accomodate people at risk, so they can shop with a very low risk.
My GF has a hard time seeing those people out and about, while she puts her health at risk on a daily basis and spends the rest of the month in isolation.

China is hoarding medical materials needed to fight Wuhan Virus. They are forgetting the old saw, "what goes around, comes around." China can make all the stuff it wants, but it needs buyers world-wide to live. The next word which will be floating around, world-wide, will be Boycott China.

The US helped the world win WWII by manufacturing the materiel the Allies needed. We'll win WWIII, now in progress the same way, too. Time to start choosing sides...
China is hoarding medical materials needed to fight Wuhan Virus. They are forgetting the old saw, "what goes around, comes around." China can make all the stuff it wants, but it needs buyers world-wide to live. The next word which will be floating around, world-wide, will be Boycott China.

The US helped the world win WWII by manufacturing the materiel the Allies needed. We'll win WWIII, now in progress the same way, too. Time to start choosing sides...
Fake news bub.
Just a shame that was only a guy ranting on TV. Trump needs telling to his face, in front of cameras. I really feel for you guys.

Boris Johnson may be a posh numpty, but at least he gave the impression that he was trying to do the right things by the people before he went in to hospital. Leaders aren’t born, they are created. This is a basic fact that Trump doesn’t seem to grasp.
"Posh Numpty" That's funny🤣
China is hoarding medical materials needed to fight Wuhan Virus. They are forgetting the old saw, "what goes around, comes around." China can make all the stuff it wants, but it needs buyers world-wide to live. The next word which will be floating around, world-wide, will be Boycott China.

The US helped the world win WWII by manufacturing the materiel the Allies needed. We'll win WWIII, now in progress the same way, too. Time to start choosing sides...
Fake news, but even if it were true. It’s a direct result of Trumps strong arm tactics with diplomacy. Pretending that we are not a planet and burying our heads in sand while others are suffering and whining about it when another country does not come to our rescue is hypocritical.
Fake news, but even if it were true. It’s a direct result of Trumps strong arm tactics with diplomacy. Pretending that we are not a planet and burying our heads in sand while others are suffering and whining about it when another country does not come to our rescue is hypocritical.
We know who the whiners are, and we know who's on our side and who's un-American.
We know who the whiners are, and we know who's on our side and who's un-American.
There used to be a time when the people in the US were proud to be from the US, independent of political preferences. Sad to see this split in society due to dividing governance
There used to be a time when the people in the US were proud to be from the US, independent of political preferences. Sad to see this split in society due to dividing governance
Some of us are still proud to be American.
Hopefully we can heal from the cultural center issues that led to this idiot in the White House.
It is possible to still be an American and completely disapprove of our current administration. I’d say that true Americans are opposing him.
I don’t understand what kind of idiocy got the Republican Party to back this moron and continue to support him.
He is just about the antithesis of everything the party used to stand for. Hopefully enough Republicans will at some point open their minds enough to acknowledge that it is possible to be patriotic and impeach a criminal and it’s also possible to be an American and a Global Citizen.
>>He is just about the antithesis of everything the party used to stand for

How far back we going? Because that was kinda the point

Ronald Reagan
-CIA crack slinging
-Central American fuckery
-Amnesty for illegals

Neocon warhawk Bush/Rumsfeld/Cheney wars, patriot acts, etc.
We are.

It took my wife quite a while to get there though.
Thank you.
I'm glad that you haven't left us being in NY and all.
Stay safe

Thank you for the kind thoughts.
Glad you and your wife are doing better.

Other than my husband, Ive barely spoken to anyone in person since March 16.
Other than a trip to the vet and a couple of trips to the grocery store and BJs
Been in my house working from home since

Others have not been so lucky.
we know who's on our side and who's un-American.
Last time I heard this was when I was being very outspoken against us invading Iraq after 9-11
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