Shut the whole damn country down!

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Just looking for proof that his extrapolated numbers were off the mark, not internet tough guy threats.
You question my response to the other guy's numbers. Why not the other way around? Why do you automatically accept the dire predictions when California, for one, is not going in a direction that would support those dire predictions? Don't you see your bias? Where does this bias come from? You need to sit down with your conscience and ask yourself why a jerk from England is more influential than a study done 50 miles south of you. What's wrong with your brain?
There are NO correct numbers now because we don't have all the factors. 2+2+2+n=1,947,842 where n=the number of nuts in a jar times the number of mailmen in Poughkeepsie, NY. Throw big numbers around to discredit someone, or throw small numbers around to defend someone else. Neither does any real informing.
You question my response to the other guy's numbers. Why not the other way around? Why do you automatically accept the dire predictions when California, for one, is not going in a direction that would support those dire predictions? Don't you see your bias? Where does this bias come from? You need to sit down with your conscience and ask yourself why a jerk from England is more influential than a study done 50 miles south of you. What's wrong with your brain?

Where did I say any of that? 😂😂😂 Just asking you to support your point.
I was using figures from the CDC website on 2009 H1N1, figures from the BBC in terms of conservative estimates of potential total infections (without discovering suitable treatment and/or vaccine) and figures from of goverment reported cases, deaths and various other factors around the world. It is not up to anybody to believe what this "jerk" from England says, they are not my figures. I just did some simple mathematics based on figures from various sources available to everybody. They don't suit an agenda it is simple mathematics. I know that maths is clearly just another form of propaganda can count can't you?
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