Shut the whole damn country down!

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Fact of the matter, is some people are more vulnerable than others. A non-nuanced shut down is the height of nanny state sexual arousal.

The 30 year old owner and sole employee of a vape shop does not need to be *ordered* closed.

Restricting access to nursing homes. Hey...that would make sense.

Every 24 year old with some retail job...I think they can don some ppe and get on with life if they so choose.
Fact of the matter, is some people are more vulnerable than others. A non-nuanced shut down is the height of nanny state sexual arousal.

The 30 year old owner and sole employee of a vape shop does not need to be *ordered* closed.

Restricting access to nursing homes. Hey...that would make sense.

Every 24 year old with some retail job...I think they can don some ppe and get on with life if they so choose.


A 20-30 year old can catch it and spread it to everyone they come into contact with without even knowing they have it.

Jesus, What is it going to take?
Does someone YOU love need to die from this before you get it through your thick skulll?????
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A 20-30 year old can catch it and spread it to everyone they come into contact with without even knowing they have it.

Jesus, What is it going to take?
Does someone YOU love need to die from this before you get it through your thick skulll?????

Another window peeker.

Flattening a curve also *elongates* it.

It's been here a month before anyone would admit it. As of January 24 China still hadn't admitted it can transmit human to human. Got into humans mid Nov. Let that simmer.

It's going to spread the way every flu will.

Question is, how dumb are we going to be in the mean time?
Another window peeker.

Flattening a curve also *elongates* it.

It's been here a month before anyone would admit it. As of January 24 China still hadn't admitted it can transmit human to human. Got into humans mid Nov. Let that simmer.

It's going to spread the way every flu will.

Question is, how dumb are we going to be in the mean time?
Based on your comments.... ummmmm... pretty dumb?? The whole point of social distancing is to elongate... AND... reduce the height of the curve. The pressure on the health care system... RIGHT NOW... AND IN THE FUTURE... is everything. The flu never overwhelmed the hospitals the way they are right now. The flu never killed 1500 people in the US in one day, never mind each day for an entire week... probably longer. You conspiracy theorists absolutely kill me.
Another window peeker.

Flattening a curve also *elongates* it.

It's been here a month before anyone would admit it. As of January 24 China still hadn't admitted it can transmit human to human. Got into humans mid Nov. Let that simmer.

It's going to spread the way every flu will.

Question is, how dumb are we going to be in the mean time?

Whatever...... you want to risk the health and lives of your family, have at it.
I hope no one dies to your stupidity or some real bread winner of the family die to that 20 year old kid making $8 an hour at Panera

Ill gladly peek out of the window of my house, safe and sound with my 68, 70 and 85 year old family members
Based on your comments.... ummmmm... pretty dumb?? The whole point of social distancing is to elongate... AND... reduce the height of the curve. The pressure on the health care system... RIGHT NOW... AND IN THE FUTURE... is everything. The flu never overwhelmed the hospitals the way they are right now. The flu never killed 1500 people in the US in one day, never mind each day for an entire week... probably longer. You conspiracy theorists absolutely kill me.

Which hospital is overwhelmed?

ILI absolutely killed that many in a day.

Remember, they aren't swabbing every corpse. CDC itself is content with "suspected".20200409_195810.jpg
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A 20-30 year old can catch it and spread it to everyone they come into contact with without even knowing they have it.

Exactly. So vulnerable people hole up. The rest, not so much.

Not complicated.
Exactly. So vulnerable people hole up. The rest, not so much.

Not complicated.
Are you on blood pressure meds??? Maybe a tad overweight? Perhaps a touch of asthma?? Or maybe, you have an 85 year old woman with COPD living with you who is a hop, skip and a jump from being on O2 for the rest of her life. Life is, I suspect, much more complicated for most people then it is for you, and feel sorry for people like you who clearly don't have EMPATHY for others.
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Exactly. So vulnerable people hole up. The rest, not so much.

Not complicated.

So you are perfectly fine with people spreading the virus to everyone else and killing even more people?
For what? A $8 an hour job at Panera?
Meanwhile people that actually make money and support thier family die because some stupid kid just had to go to his $8 job at Panera so he can buy another pair of sneakers.
Are you on blood pressure meds??? Maybe a tad overweight? Perhaps a touch of asthma?? Or maybe, you have an 85 year old woman with COPD living with you who is a hop, skip and a jump from being on O2 for the rest of her life. Life is, I suspect, much more complicated for most people then it is for you. I feel sorry for people like you who clearly don't have EMPATHY for anyone other then themselves.

That's the beauty of's self directed.

I dont know everyone's circumstances. But the POTUS or a Governor does? 🤭 who want to hole up can do that all they want for as long as they want = me selfish.


Do you think I WANT to be stuck in my house every day and not go anywhere?
No I dont. I however dont want to get sick either nor do I want my family to get sick.
I also dont want to spread it around and get other people sick and more people die.
Because you know everyone is someone elses loved one, including all those people that you dont know but are so willing to see die.
Wake up

Here are the deaths due to COVID19 reported in my county alone as reported on my county's Health Department website.

There were 84 deaths in the county so far.

Deaths reported on April 2 at 2:30 p.m. include:
  1. A male in his age 80s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  2. A male in his 80s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  3. A male in his 80s with underlying medical conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  4. A female in her 80s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  5. A female in her 50s with underlying medical conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  6. A female in her 80s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  7. A male in his 60s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local nursing home and rehabilitation facility
  8. A male in his 80s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  9. A male in his 80s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  10. A male in his 40s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  11. A male in his 80s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  12. A female in her 70s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  13. A female in her 70s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  14. A female in her 70s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  15. A male in his 70s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital

Deaths reported on April 1 at 2:30 p.m. include:
  • An male in his age 70s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  • A female in her 80s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  • A male in his 60s with underlying medical conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  • An female in her 80s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  • A male in his 70s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  • A female in her 80s with underlying medical conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  • An female in her 50s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  • A female in her 70s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  • A male in his 80s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  • A male in his 70s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  • A female in her 80s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  • A male in his 90s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  • A male in his 80s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  • A male in his 70s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  • A male in his 80s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  • A male in his 80s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital

Deaths reported on March 30 at 2:30 p.m. include:
  • An individual, age 80s, with underlying health conditions who died at a local adult care facility
  • An individual, age 70s, with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  • An individual, age 90s, with underlying medical conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  • An individual, age 30s, with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  • An individual, age 30s, with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  • An individual, age 70s, with underlying medical conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  • An individual, age 80s, with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  • An individual, age 80s, with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  • An individual, age 40s, who died at home.
Deaths reported on March 29 at 2:30 p.m. include:
  • A male in his 60s with underlying health conditions who died at home. COVID-19 was confirmed by the Suffolk County Medical Examiner.
  • A male in his 70s with underlying health conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
  • A male in his 30s with underlying medical conditions who was in mandatory isolation at a local hospital
It goes on for every day since March 18 when the first deaths were reported

This is what is reported by the socialist run media to drive their desired level of hysteria! And you bought in. Success for them. They could say the same about every "bad" flu that comes around as well but for some reason do not normally but need to on this latest "crisis". I suspect it may have something to do with not enough of us buying into their flu vaccine sales in normal years. Not enough hysteria. Well lets try this instead. Well if this doesn't TEACH us to listen to THEM nothing else will. More new "news" just today; it seems nearly 90% hospitalized are in the health compromised conditions groups. Whaddya know. Just like they said it would be. Really hard on some people without a doubt but not a big deal for the vast majority of us in REALITY. It ANGERS me that so many outspoken posters insist that the rest of us must live our lives in FEAR or WE are not being RESPONSIBLE. In their OPINION! Live your life in fear but shut up about it whiners!:mad:
This is what is reported by the socialist run media to drive their desired level of hysteria! And you bought in. Success for them. They could say the same about every "bad" flu that comes around as well but for some reason do not normally but need to on this latest "crisis". I suspect it may have something to do with not enough of us buying into their flu vaccine sales in normal years. Not enough hysteria. Well lets try this instead. Well if this doesn't TEACH us to listen to THEM nothing else will. More new "news" just today; it seems nearly 90% hospitalized are in the health compromised conditions groups. Whaddya know. Just like they said it would be. Really hard on some people without a doubt but not a big deal for the vast majority of us in REALITY. It ANGERS me that so many outspoken posters insist that the rest of us must live our lives in FEAR or WE are not being RESPONSIBLE. In their OPINION! Live your life in fear but shut up about it whiners!:mad:

No this was reported in my county health department web site. NOT on social media, not on any "biased" news outlet.
What angers me is people trivalizing other people's lives to suit your agenda or because you happened to be inconvenienced for a couple of weeks.
Each one of these people was someone's family. They might not mean much to you but they meant something to someone.
Thank God they werent your family that you lost
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Low germany death rate= precise testing for covid 19 before they blame it.
And add.. Good old social healthcare system with sufficient capacity at this time. Germany is currently taking in patients from France, Germany and Italy as there is plenty of capacity. Not just are more infections known about. Those that do get critical have access to good care.
Exactly. So vulnerable people hole up. The rest, not so much.
I know I will anger everybody around me but I have been having similar thoughts. Of course, I do not know how bad it gets in hospitals. And I do not know what will happen in Sweden (Where they have done this). I know that I am free to go outside, whereever, as long as I avoid crowds of people. Bars, restaurants and large gatherings of people are banned for now. And most stores have a barrier between staff and clients.

History will tell whether the current shutdown, locking 1/3 of the world population in their homes and largely shutting down the economy was appropriate. I do have my moments of doubt, wondering what would happen if we indeed, quarantine those in risk groups. Put a few billion in added healthcare services and let the rest of the people go back to work.
I know I will anger everybody around me but I have been having similar thoughts. Of course, I do not know how bad it gets in hospitals. And I do not know what will happen in Sweden (Where they have done this). I know that I am free to go outside, whereever, as long as I avoid crowds of people. Bars, restaurants and large gatherings of people are banned for now. And most stores have a barrier between staff and clients.

History will tell whether the current shutdown, locking 1/3 of the world population in their homes and largely shutting down the economy was appropriate. I do have my moments of doubt, wondering what would happen if we indeed, quarantine those in risk groups. Put a few billion in added healthcare services and let the rest of the people go back to work.
I guess one of my main issue with that, at least in the UK, is that you then get into the realms of classifying who is at risk and asking people to self classify or accept that the 61 year old’s 59 year old wife can go out while he can’t, for example. People don’t want to admit they are at risk. My step dad wont. My girlfriends father and (29 year old) sister wont. My step dad‘s 92 year old mother only stopped going out once the social club closed. You are still relying on people doing the right thing. Even then reducing cases is still difficult when those people inevitably come into contact with loved ones.

It’s all about reducing the R0, the basic reproduction number. Left unchecked this disease has an approximate R0 of 2.5 (actual range of 2.4-3.3) which means that one person will infect 2.5 people, will infect 2.5 people etc etc so that 409 people get infected. After 2 months that one person will have infected 95000 people. If all of those people keep spreading it then...


The suppression triggers in this graph denote removal of 75% of social interactions at the death rates stated i.e. Implementation of lockdown.

Even by allowing some to continue as normal, you are greatly increasing the ability for the disease to spread and have a further reach. It is extremely contagious and has a great variation in symptoms displayed. Lots of people will have it and not know they’ve had it, spreading it unwittingly to more and more people.

If the economy goes down the pan will 40 million still die? I’m not sure. I’m glad they’ve chosen life in this instance, personally.
The fundamental problem with COVID-19 is the question, “Is it potentially deadly to otherwise healthy people?” Most healthy people who get it, are mildly to moderately ill from the virus. Some are hammered by it. There’s an element of the unknown.

I know of a couple of cases where healthy people in their 30s & 40s have become very ill. One 40-year old that’s on a vent, in a coma, within 48 hours of showing symptoms. He’s been in that state for five days. He received a blood plasma treatment on Weds, but as of last night, has not shown signs of recovery.

Hopefully, the public health professionals will be able to do analysis on what worked and what didn’t, without political agendas and personal bias getting in the way.
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