Shut the whole damn country down!

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Spotted the curtain peeker.

Dont waste time with me. There is a curve to flatten. There might be some teens outside your house exceeding a group of ten. Go check.
Ill do that, you let me know what Alex Jones thinks of all this!

And I live in a great area, dont need to peek out the windows.

Plus, I learned to wash my hands often 35 years ago (before it was a deep state plot). I got plenty of time for humor right about now.

Are you responding to the right person?
Yes because Sweden is a poor example for you to choose. They are better set up to deal with this, but what do you know? Death toll’s rising there too. Won’t be long.

Yes because Sweden is a poor example for you to choose. They are better set up to deal with this, but what do you know? Death toll’s rising there too. Won’t be long.

My premise: Sweden is not freaking out. Infection and death will not be majorly different than those who DID freak out. Will experience economic advantages on the back end (from sustained employment), which others will not.

Your reply: They have more social programs and A. Gorilla is a hypocrite because he thinks they are commies.

Interesting debate style. I believe it's called a strawman.
According to this University of Washington pandemic model, Florida will peak on April 21, 12 days earlier than previously projected. Hard to say, really, because the major metropolitan areas of the state are several weeks ahead of the smaller cities (like Tallahassee) and rural areas. There seems to be a clear correlation to population density and exposure. If nothing else, this pandemic may motivate Americans to be more receptive to wearing masks during public health emergencies.

Our governor issued an EO several weeks back, stopping all elective surgeries, procedures, and hospitalizations, and now hospitals are running below 50% capacity. If there is a major surge, there should be available beds, so from that standpoint, the flattening the curve strategy (to avoid overwhelming the system at peak) seems to have worked. A hospital at 50% capacity is bleeding money, but that's another debate. Of course, we'll see if it really worked when this is finished.

I work in the health care policy realm, so know and work with all of the players at the most-affected state agencies (Florida Department of Health; Agency for Health Care Administration; Division of Emergency Management; Department of Elder Affairs). The state agencies are overwhelmed, and they have accepted executive-level staff on loan from the health care associations, to bridge the gaps. Many of these association folks know far more about the sectors of health care affected, than the regulatory or policy agency personnel. A VERY smart move by these agencies, IMHO.
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Honestly, we should have a shut down every October when China sends us a new flu strain. Consider how much damage it causes despite there already being vaccines! value human life, r-right?

I like the phrasing. Corona virus causing the claims. The virus itself. Classic.

Rootless cosmopolitans promoting the "safe and dignified removal" of infected family members.

Honestly, we should have a shut down every October when China sends us a new flu strain. Consider how much damage it causes despite there already being vaccines! value human life, r-right?

I like the phrasing. Corona virus causing the claims. The virus itself. Classic.

View attachment 294885
Look at you.
Watching out for everyone.
I don't know about anyone else but I'll sleep good tonight knowing you're on the job.
Rootless cosmopolitans promoting the "safe and dignified removal" of infected family members.

The WHO is not the U.S. govt. unless your faith in our President and his employees isn't as firm as it should be...

And FWIW, rescue squads and medical personnel HAVE BEEN GOING INTO HOUSES TO REMOVE SICK PATIENTS SINCE THIS BEGAN, for God's sake. That's why emergency responders are sick also. The WHO man's statement is self-evident...Those first responders aren't barging into houses by force and kidnapping people for crying out loud. THINK about what Carlson is hyping...he's got an agenda.

I can't understand people who ditch "MSM" because they "don't want biased misinformation" and then turn to more biased, misinformation to replace it just because it lines up with what they believe. Ever think as critically about the "news" you get from Fox, Hannity and Carlson, as the "news" you get from the MSM? If you blindly accept the shit that those Fox news propagandists spout you're just as guilty of being a sheep as those despicable people who don't agree with you.
The WHO is not the U.S. govt. unless your faith in our President and his employees isn't as firm as it should be...

And FWIW, rescue squads and medical personnel HAVE BEEN GOING INTO HOUSES TO REMOVE SICK PATIENTS SINCE THIS BEGAN, for God's sake. That's why emergency responders are sick also. The WHO man's statement is self-evident...Those first responders aren't barging into houses by force and kidnapping people for crying out loud. THINK about what Carlson is hyping...he's got an agenda.

I can't understand people who ditch "MSM" because they "don't want biased misinformation" and then turn to more biased, misinformation to replace it just because it lines up with what they believe. Ever think as critically about the "news" you get from Fox, Hannity and Carlson, as the "news" you get from the MSM? If you blindly accept the shit that those Fox news propagandists spout you're just as guilty of being a sheep as those despicable people who don't agree with you.
I believe ALL of the American media is painfully biased, one way or another. BBC generally dishes it out objectively, and without an agenda, which is sort of sad (from the standpoint of having to go to the state media of another nation for news).
Do the math...

"First, it was the media that was at fault. Then, Democratic governors came under fire. China, President Barack Obama and federal watchdogs have all had a turn in the crosshairs. And now it’s the World Health Organization that’s to blame."

"First, it was the media that was at fault. Then, Democratic governors came under fire. China, President Barack Obama and federal watchdogs have all had a turn in the crosshairs. And now it’s the World Health Organization that’s to blame."
Yeah.. well.. Who else can you blame? For sure not the POTUS
Not even at 1/5th the deaths of noteworthy flu season and the commies can't contain themselves. I hope he seeks medical attention if his erection lasts more than 4 hours.
What is it so hard to understand. Coronavirus is about 30x deadlier then the flu. Flu-0.1%<Coronavirus-3.1%.
What is it so hard to understand. Coronavirus is about 30x deadlier then the flu. Flu-0.1%<Coronavirus-3.1%.

Doesn't the CDC say diagnosis of fatal covid can be "suspected"? Ie without testing. Ie ILI (influenza like illness) will be called covid 19 some of the time.

Low germany death rate= precise testing for covid 19 before they blame it.

Italy= mamma Mia! Itsa covida everywhere!

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The question on cause of death should be, "what is the precipitating cause?" Just because the patient has this or that underlying issue doesn't mean you get to blame it on the underling issue. Would the patient have devolved to death without also acquiring Wuhan? That's a pretty clear question to me. The patient's death should be attributed by his continuing care physician without outside coaching.
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