The WHO is not the U.S. govt. unless your faith in our President and his employees isn't as firm as it should be...
And FWIW, rescue squads and medical personnel HAVE BEEN GOING INTO HOUSES TO REMOVE SICK PATIENTS SINCE THIS BEGAN, for God's sake. That's why emergency responders are sick also. The WHO man's statement is self-evident...Those first responders aren't barging into houses by force and kidnapping people for crying out loud. THINK about what Carlson is hyping...he's got an agenda.
I can't understand people who ditch "MSM" because they "don't want biased misinformation" and then turn to more biased, misinformation to replace it just because it lines up with what they believe. Ever think as critically about the "news" you get from Fox, Hannity and Carlson, as the "news" you get from the MSM? If you blindly accept the shit that those Fox news propagandists spout you're just as guilty of being a sheep as those despicable people who don't agree with you.