Peter Warren Japanese Black Pine

Growing well, and so far, keeping the needle cast at bay. This tree has gotten it badly every year until I really started hitting it hard in 2016. First with copper, then Daconil, and now Mancozeb.

I’ve tried to keep the growth tight to the trunk, but I think it will be time to allow it to extend a bit wider and open up the structure just a bit over the next few years. The plan is still to candle-cut this summer, and then to pull down and fan out the pads a bit more this fall.
Had time to candle-cut this JBP today. Looking forward to continuing the training this fall for sure, it is advancing well.

Progression shots for fun:
And before-afters of a little pruning, needle-pulling and moss removal:
Carnage shot:?
Never mind the mess in the background, I was painting some patio furniture too...
Platform diver. :p
There have been many conversations about the likelihood of hitting the pool from the deck above. Pretty sure it would be easy, as long as the (somewhat sketchy) railing held up...and 6’ of water is deep enough.
Here is a “glamour shot” after cleaning it up for the local club show next weekend. Jerry Braswell stand, cheap pot. Accent is Erodium in an Ino pot on a DaSu slab.
I’ll probably take it back to Bjorn’s for work in June.
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Can I ask what brand those red lift tables are? Do they have locking wheels?
I think Bjorn said they are motorcycle stands. They don’t have wheels, and are super heavy. They have a pedal to raise them, and when you let out the brake, they collapse to the floor. I nearly dumped my Shimpaku in the Gyouzan pot learning that little nugget. I will check on the brand next month.
Had time to candle-cut this JBP today. Looking forward to continuing the training this fall for sure, it is advancing well.
Carnage shot:?
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Never mind the mess in the background, I was painting some patio furniture too...
Poolside Bonsai work!?!? Livin the dream in Bama!!
LOL!!! God I hope you're wrong Brian, because they aren't close enough to the trunk yet!

I remember when I read Larry Jackel's book and he said something along the same line, you'll only get back budding once...but it was after his "Fall Ponderosa Pine Technique" where in late fall, he removes the top and bottom needles, and also cuts the terminal bud at a 45 degree cut producing back buds. (Yes I had to look in the book for the details lol)

Wrong is books technique! See Ryans Ponderosa live streams(and others)for better info how to develop properly. Difference in one time back budding including commensurate lull in trees growth and sustainable continued development. Personally bought the book but providentially met Ryan before using books mistaken methodology;).
Wrong is books technique! See Ryans Ponderosa live streams(and others)for better info how to develop properly. Difference in one time back budding including commensurate lull in trees growth and sustainable continued development. Personally bought the book but providentially met Ryan before using books mistaken methodology;).
Can you define what is "mistaken methodology" and why it is mistaken?
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