Pfeeeu, I feel like the proverbial nematode out the organic soil, between all you informed literates 
All good though...some won't go over my head. I guess i'll just add my 1c at a time
Fantastic information so far. Thank you...
Yeah i've been having this idea of doing bonsai 'organically' for some time...while also trying to be realistic about it. Reality is, the idea is still very much just idea....shot in the dark...BUT, the right steps towards it is being made, and that is highly encouraging for me.
An ideal organic ground soil has a perfectly balanced population of micro life, sustaining itself (that took a long time)...similar to a self sustaining eco system that this earth had before man interfered.
To get that perfect biodiversity going, and sustained in a bonsai pot, is virtually impossible (to use the strongest term) by my reconing. The best we can do is try I guess. There is enough evidence out there of people feeding only organic fertilizer, and getting good results. That says to me that nature is willing to compromise, if we're interested in meeting it halfway.
I have a organic recipe that i'll be making cakes with this year, and boy am I excited to get going and see what feedback I get from the trees.
Rape seed meal
Fish meal
Sea weed meal
I'm still working on the ratios.
Here's another tidbit I found in the book. It illustrates how a friendly fungi traps a bad nematode. That however can only happen in our pots, if the conditions are right for the fungi to be there in the first place...

All good though...some won't go over my head. I guess i'll just add my 1c at a time

Fantastic information so far. Thank you...

Yeah i've been having this idea of doing bonsai 'organically' for some time...while also trying to be realistic about it. Reality is, the idea is still very much just idea....shot in the dark...BUT, the right steps towards it is being made, and that is highly encouraging for me.
An ideal organic ground soil has a perfectly balanced population of micro life, sustaining itself (that took a long time)...similar to a self sustaining eco system that this earth had before man interfered.
To get that perfect biodiversity going, and sustained in a bonsai pot, is virtually impossible (to use the strongest term) by my reconing. The best we can do is try I guess. There is enough evidence out there of people feeding only organic fertilizer, and getting good results. That says to me that nature is willing to compromise, if we're interested in meeting it halfway.
I have a organic recipe that i'll be making cakes with this year, and boy am I excited to get going and see what feedback I get from the trees.
Rape seed meal
Fish meal
Sea weed meal
I'm still working on the ratios.
Here's another tidbit I found in the book. It illustrates how a friendly fungi traps a bad nematode. That however can only happen in our pots, if the conditions are right for the fungi to be there in the first place...