Peter Warren Japanese Black Pine

End of the year shot after thinning out needles and shoots. It was candle-cut this summer for the first time in a few years. Next spring I’ll repot it to get the planting angle corrected, and continue to reduce needle size and refine pads.
Love how tight to the trunk the foliage is. Exceptional horts in shorts fo' sho'!!!;):D:D:D:D:D:D
Fire up the hot tub and enjoy the view!!!:)
Brian, is there anyway to move some of the upper branches to hide a bit of the trunk? It kinda looks like a flasher holding his overcoat open!
Nope. I’ve moved them around as far as they will go. It’s just going to take a few more years to cinch up the raincoat.
It’s really worse than it looks to be honest. Bjorn suggested I sell it (not to him), but I like the bark and trunk too much!
I’ve heard that you wear that trench coat and a lightbulb in your mouth on Hallowe’en.
Next year again. This Halloween I appeared like this.
53 and still dressed to scare.20171028_190458.jpg My ex has cancer. She has no hair also.
I hooked her up with the Uncle Fester outfit.
My daughter thought it was one of the nicest things she had ever seen.
I told her it was what family does.
The ex is coming over for the holidays this year too. Shes in bad shape and doesnt need to be exerting herself so were having her and my daughters half siblings over.
I know sometimes I come off as a harass dickhead bit all that's just a big cover.
She's not
It’s really worse than it looks to be honest.

Lol! Does this mean in the opposite direction of what it seems to usually mean?

Are you saying it looks worse in person?

Peter Warren is such a chill ass dude....
I'd keep it just to keep that calm energy around.

Plus.....what's another 6x years?

Lol! Does this mean in the opposite direction of what it seems to usually mean?

Plus.....what's another 6x years?
The upper 1/3 is really flawed, and it is painfully obvious when you look at it in person, from any angle but front on.
Several failed graft attempts and a big pruning scar left precious little space to try again, so 6 more years is the plan.
And now every time I scroll back through this entire thread, the freaky clown on page 5 can scare the crap out of me.:eek:
Hows the back look? I dont dislike it that much. 6 years and im sure you will pull something together you like more
And now every time I scroll back through this entire thread, the freaky clown on page 5 can scare the crap out of me.:eek:
Clowns are fun.
My daughter couldn't even look at me for a while,she was so freaked out.
I had lots of fun!
Have you thought about carving a long irregular shari into the upper trunk, maybe extending it into the lower region, and hollowing it out in spots ala a Walter Pall tree? Not typical for a JBP but it might take care of some of the scarring and would hopefully draw the eyes away from the other flaws.... unless the carving isn't done well and becomes yet another flaw:D.
Rough winter and really cold spring (thanks Al Gore), but this one is finally moving.
I’m happy to have corrected the planting angle.
View attachment 189129
Enjoyed going back to the beginning of this thread. Was nice to see the start with a vigorous tree, the change in the bark over time is noticeable as well. This thread contains the progressive elements of pine progression done professionally down to the subtle but impactfull change of planting angle. Stunning example of selecting and working with quality material. Thanks for posting.
Enjoyed going back to the beginning of this thread. Was nice to see the start with a vigorous tree, the change in the bark over time is noticeable as well. This thread contains the progressive elements of pine progression done professionally down to the subtle but impactfull change of planting angle. Stunning example of selecting and working with quality material. Thanks for posting.
Thanks for the kind words. It is coming along well and has a good shot at being a decent and natural-looking tree one day.
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