My year around bonsai work in the Inland Empire, CA

There are a group of cork elms popped up in my garden.

Yesterday I dug them up and put them into the plastic pot for training. I plan to create 3 trunk bonsai. I used a piece of Japanese boxwood deadwood to separate 2 big trunks
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The young bark of cork elm should have this look
and this flowering plum. I feel bad for this tree because it does not have many flowers this year! I did not change its soil for 8 years! Shame on me! I plan to transplant it this time, but I have no more available room in recovery area!

However, I am still enjoying its flower.
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That is an interesting trident as it puts out spring leaves with much color! Mine is just green when opening. And that big cork elm is really something.
Very pretty bloom on the plum, almost orchid like.
That is an interesting trident as it puts out spring leaves with much color! Mine is just green when opening. And that big cork elm is really something.
Very pretty bloom on the plum, almost orchid like.
Thanks Judy. This is the first time I saw a young leaves of trident maple!!
The plum flower has incense scent!
Are you sure it's trident? It's so pretty, but so different!
Yes, it is. This tree had been grown in my teacher's garden for over 20 years!
The last year leaf.
The Trident trunk looks like it met up with a buck deer in the garden. I have several trees like that around my house on the acreage. Not so many since i put up the fence;). Gives a very natural deadwood look however it happened. Love the color on those new leaves.
The Trident trunk looks like it met up with a buck deer in the garden. I have several trees like that around my house on the acreage. Not so many since i put up the fence;). Gives a very natural deadwood look however it happened. Love the color on those new leaves.
Thanks. I don't think dead wood is due to buck deer, since my teacher home is in urban area. However, his yard is full of chickens, turkeys and ducks!
I had to get new supply this morning. It is twine to stabilize the tree in the pot.

This afternoon, I transplanted 4 trees! I used akadama: pumice: lava cinder/fir ground: mini pine barks with ratio 1:2:1/2:2
Early flowering peach. There is still one flower bud left over.
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and flowering plum. It has few flowers now, but I still wants to transplant it.
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