My year around bonsai work in the Inland Empire, CA

Hello, Bonhe!
Will you kindly let me put my question at your thread......It's been 20 days now that I have removed one Ficus carica which was growing out of a tiny crevice on a wall. I just cut flat with a saw and the stump's diameter is about 6-8cm, good tapering and the trunk has a cascading movement. After planting the stump, the pot has been put into a clear plastic bag and misted every now and then to preserve moisture. What I've got until now is a lot of roots all over the lower part of the trunk and around the cut perimeter as well. I check every now and then using a magnifier glass but not a sign of a dormant leaf bud starting to swell.
Would you kindly share your opinion? It will be greatly appreciated!
I agree with Osoyoung 100%.
Like he said, cytokinin is mainly made in the root tips. In your case, it is normal to have root emerging at first. When the stump has enough roots, then cytokinin level is started raising up in the vascular system. At that time, cytokinin will stimulate the vegetative buds emerge. So, be patient! :)
... ...When the stump has enough roots, then cytokinin level is started raising up in the vascular system. At that time, cytokinin will stimulate the vegetative buds emerge. So, be patient! :)
Very optimistic clarification. Thank you!
Usually I have patience along with anxiety :)
This crepe myrtle also starts growing now.
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I like at least 2 of its branches. I trained them with straight, angle, sharp turn and slight curve line. It is the way I train cascade branch.
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Another cascade branch

I got 2 crabapple from my teacher 2 years ago. Their leaves are looked different with other crabapple. I am waiting to see their flowers and fruits.
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Look at Psilotum to which I propagated.
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This time of the year, we should be carefully watching our trees to make sure no abnormality. Quinces (rarely pomegranate) are attacked by aphids. The ants on the tree is the first sign of aphid infection.
To get rid off the aphids, I just use my fingers to sweep them out.
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How about are those pomegranate young shoots? Problem? (those pictures was just taken this morning in overcast weather)
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I don't think so. Comparing to those young pome. shoots.
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I'm still awaiting the answer about the sucker question... Looks like you've got lots on your plate brother:D
I'm still awaiting the answer about the sucker question... Looks like you've got lots on your plate brother:D
Ah, are you talking about the tamarix sucker questions? No, I did not get lost sister. This is my way. If I ask, no one helps me out, then I will leave it be!
I agree with Osoyoung.
Now one should know how to get a new branch in wherever part in the trunk or branch .

I tried this (exposing the cambium where I wanted a branch) on an elm and a ficus and it didn't work.
I am interested in the suckering question as I imagine it would also apply to crabapple. I think suckers low can be used to enhance and grow bases and roots, so I would not remove them if they were in good places for that sort of thing.
I tried this (exposing the cambium where I wanted a branch) on an elm and a ficus and it didn't work.
Did you cut down to the hard wood horizontally?

I am interested in the suckering question as I imagine it would also apply to crabapple. I think suckers low can be used to enhance and grow bases and roots, so I would not remove them if they were in good places for that sort of thing.
:) You are absolutely correct sister ! :) You can also apply this to olive.

1- Should I remove them?
2- When do I remove them?
When it fulfills the purpose as JudyB's quote.
These trees are not in my garden :) These are in La Sierra University.
Giant Chinese elm

Its lower long branch is supported by iron poles.

Live oak

The Ceiba pentandra tree (kapok, or silk-cotton) reminds me about my childhood in Vietnam! We call cây Bông gòn (cotton ball).
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The fluffy, yellowish fibre carries the seed

The trident maple is recovering very well.

I fed it with organic fertilizer at first.
The trident is stunning...that trunk has such character!!! Love that weeping look to the crape as well. Nice trees all around.
Thank you.
My teacher left it grow in 3 gallon container for almost 22 years (so this tree should be at least 25 yo). Its roots broke the container and escaped into the ground! I will make hollow trunk for trident maple in the future.
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