My year around bonsai work in the Inland Empire, CA

While I was working in the garden, the misting system is on at the "recovery room". I took some pictures.

After 2 minutes. I was lucky enough to be able get this shot!

There are 1 healthy person and 4 patients in the RR at this time. Chojubai (1), tamarix (2, 3), JBP (4) and California juniper (5).

Right after bathing!

Question: why do I have to give the new transplanted plants a lot of humidity?
* Hint: my area is dry.
I guess overhead humidity...

Bonhe, have you tried propagating corkoaks by cuttings or air-layering? I've got only one and would like to "back up" it.
petegreg, post: 403800, member: 17924"]I guess overhead humidity...
But why does it needs humidity? :)

Bonhe, have you tried propagating corkoaks by cuttings or air-layering? I've got only one and would like to "back up" it.
I have a lot of acorns, so I grow seedlings. I don't have experience in other propagation method. I think you can try air layering or cutting.
So odd to see air layering starting at this time of year! You really do have a year round season. I have those cups too, but find the hole can be too small for some stuff.
Hi Judy. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
I found the quince air- layered on 10/1/16 was having the roots this morning.
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My load work in the garden slows down this time of the year.
This pomegranate has more yellow leaves. I will start working on it when all the leaves drop.

Same with this pomegranate.

I fall deep in love with its deadwoods!
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and those 2 pomegranates.
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But this pomegranate is still in green!?!

This pomegranate is almost in sleep.

You need some rain barrels! Glad to see the rain is in your area, and over much that has been so dry.
I was thinking to buy the rain barrel but my space is too crowd for another object! :) I am fine with whatever I had. I have been using rain water for spraying in transplanting time and cooling off the new transplanted trees and junipers. I am still having around 20 gallons of rain water in my garage. It is also a good source in earthquake time ( I wish I didn't have to use it for this purpose)
I was thinking to buy the rain barrel but my space is too crowd for another object! :) I am fine with whatever I had. I have been using rain water for spraying in transplanting time and cooling off the new transplanted trees and junipers. I am still having around 20 gallons of rain water in my garage. It is also a good source in earthquake time ( I wish I didn't have to use it for this purpose)
How do you use your rain water for spraying? Do you mean manually like a bottle or do you have a pump to rig your rain water to your misting system?
It has got about 1" rain water so far. It will have more rain today! :)
Fresh look!
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Those 2 hibiscus are still green.
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This KBP is one of specimens used for an experiment in my garden at this time.

The bark in the lower trunk.

The bark on the top. You can see a difference in the bark characteristics between the superior (red arrows), the inferior part (pink arrows) and lower trunk. You can see a developed moss (yellow arrows)
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Difference in the barks between 2 areas with well defined border (pink arrows)

I planned to transplant some black pines this weekend but have to cancel due to dry gusty wind up to 60mph!!!
Look at the soil surface of this JBP. Completely dried out! The good thing is that this big JBP pot sitting on the swivel chair. Because of that, the tree was not knocked down by heavy wind! :) My teacher lost few trees in the past due to the gusty wind!
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and this pomegranate.
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At this time of the year, I usually water the trees every other day. But I always check soil surface every day to make sure it won't need water on that day.
This pomegranate was brought out to unwire and to prune back.
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It has a lot of new shoots came out from the base of the trunk and surface roots. They were removed all.

After. Let it be back to sleep.

Viewing from my kitchen this morning.
The pomegranate

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