Japanese Flowering Quince cuttings in training.

This was transplanted to the current pot about 2 weeks ago.
The flower buds was on 2/2/16

Today. Because I love flowers, I always like to look at those in different directions to have deep feeling. I hope it won't bother you!
I really love this kind of flower pattern!
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Here it is!

Other branch with different flower pattern. The flower is in process!

This is other one transplanted to the current pot about 2 weeks ago.
It is blooming today.
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Yes, I'd like to know if the flower pattern will be different or change the next time in those same spots.
As I wrote in other post, propagation of this kind of quince is very interesting and consuming time.
At first I look for the flower pattern which I like and the future trunk line.
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Then I use something to mark it up. Here I used a piece of wire.

Another one.
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and mark it up.

Now I wait until all the leaves are mature, then I will perform air layering. They will be ready to be separated from the mom in the winter.
Bonhe, exactly what cultivar is this?
Hi Fredtruck,
According to my teacher, it is Toyo nishiki "Nichi-Getsu-Sei" cultivar. This is a story. One of his friend brought a branch of this back to the States from Japan many years ago. He successfully grew and propagated it with the small amount. Later on, my teacher got three from his friend. He let me have one. Later on, both of them died on my teacher! According to my teacher, his friend doesn't have this type any more. I intended to give one back to my teacher, but he recently got the last one from one of bonsai nurseries here.
If you ever see this cultivar for sale, please let me know. The flowers are a knockout!
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