I propagated most of my SMS via air layering because I can choose whatever flowering pattern for them. To get the air layering root out, take many months ( over 6 months ). Sometimes I wanted to separate the air layered in 4 months, it just had a big callus , but it would be survived (in this case, it sometimes took one year to show the life!)
This is SMS mom yesterday. A lot of flowers now

4 air layered branches were cut down . I air layered these in July 2021

The white young root was seen when sphagnum moss was removed from one of them .

They were placed in the 1 gallon plastic pots. I used the old soil got from other bonsai pot transplant. I never throw away the used bonsai soil! I always keep them in the big plastic pot and use it for cutting ! Because most my bonsai soil does not have akadama. I have been using pumice, lava cinder (sometimes), mini pine bark, ground fir. After five years, pumice , lava cinder are still intact , of course; pine bark decomposed but still in a shape to be used. By doing that, it saved me a ton of money for other uses, without compromising the tree health .

I also did some cuttings in the same time .

They were placed in the shade area.

Thụ Thoại
This is SMS mom yesterday. A lot of flowers now

4 air layered branches were cut down . I air layered these in July 2021

The white young root was seen when sphagnum moss was removed from one of them .

They were placed in the 1 gallon plastic pots. I used the old soil got from other bonsai pot transplant. I never throw away the used bonsai soil! I always keep them in the big plastic pot and use it for cutting ! Because most my bonsai soil does not have akadama. I have been using pumice, lava cinder (sometimes), mini pine bark, ground fir. After five years, pumice , lava cinder are still intact , of course; pine bark decomposed but still in a shape to be used. By doing that, it saved me a ton of money for other uses, without compromising the tree health .

I also did some cuttings in the same time .

They were placed in the shade area.

Thụ Thoại