You gotta promise us 2 things though..
- Post it up
- Don't break your tools on it.
I will post it up
And try to not break a tool but no promisses!
You gotta promise us 2 things though..
- Post it up
- Don't break your tools on it.
If you don't force the tool you are not likely to break it. If you find yourself thinking;" Just a little more leverage and abit more push the tool is going to break.Also those "pop eye" you could try to use a wood drill and drill them out a bit should work buy the cheap ones at action they work just fine and no big deal if they break !
I d say, start one mate.Is there a thread on witch carving tool you should use and why?
I hope he is fine now. Somethings in live are more important as bonsai.Nice !
Ill finish my yew i got from yew over 2 weeks started working on it but the work was stalled because our son got realy sick
Agreed!I hope he is fine now. Somethings in live are more important as bonsai.
Heavy things, Dennis. I had a braintumor when i was 10. i have 35 stitches on my head.
The wood was usually cut from the transition billets between heart wood and soft wood. Made for really solid and slexible bows. The forest of these trees in Europe were considered a stratigic resource until the gun took over. The other use was in making Lute bowels.There is good reason it was the preferred wood for English longbows (Wych Elm being the other)... I always wanted to make one, but am in the wrong part of the world to be able to select from choice stock.