A lot of people seem to be starting hundreds of seeds. Are JBP really that unreliable. Ive grown pitch pine from seed and had about 80% germination rate. I did seedling cuttings one year and had about 50% success but I think that was because they kept getting disturbed.
I just can't imagine starting more than a couple hundred unless you want a couple hundred at the end. After a couple of years they are going to take up a lot of room. And if everyone who is participating in the contest is successful there will be a glut of JBP seedlings on the market.
My plan is/was 50 under grow lights this winter, then another 25-50 in the spring. I'd prefer to do less and be efficient, but I have no idea what I'm doing, so I guess many of us are probably doing more than we need out of fear of all of them dying