Thank you Lars.
This tree was originally potted on the board last year. I'll probably repot next year or the year after. Timing is really not a matter of keeping the soil fresh, it's a matter of directing the root growth. There is only so much you can see and do during cleanup - you need to get in there periodically and direct and rebalance the growth before the roots get too thick.
When developing nebari, the surface roots are easier to develop if the tree is planted deeper than you would like the final planting. I probably have 2" of soil on top of the board plus abt 1/4" of sphagnum.
Thanks Scott! I definitely wouldn't have expected to put the roots so deep. (Might need to go pile some more soil on top of a couple newly repotted plants now...)
Nice growing Scott! You guys are way ahead of us here in the northeast. Most of my maples are just leafing out now.
I've also gotten excellent results using sphagnum moss. The damp environment promotes lots of fine roots around the trunk. I don't like the way it looks but it works!
Just re-read the tread for the 3th time i guess. I noticed you dress your soil with dry sphagnum moss, and flying away is an issue. Here we soak it in water and apply it that way. Works fast and easy, no dust, no loss. Thanks for the update. Waiting for weather to warm up...
I have always put it on dry and then misted it until it was wet. After that it's not a problem. Maybe I'll try soaking it first next time. Thanks.
According to Boon at our recent club meeting, Ebihara puts sphagnum moss on top of all maples to maintain moisture, encourage superficial fine root growth, and keep the root system cool.
Maples are a lot of work!Now in full leaf with strongly growing extensions.
View attachment 101102
I'm building branches, so I haven't started pinching yet. Still the canopy will get so dense that the inner buds are shaded out. I see some yellowing leaves in there some we'll have to thin the leaves so light can reach the interior and keep the inner shoots healthy. You also have to keep a close eye on the apical growth because the branches will get too thick quickly. This stage is perfect for spring work. Here are things to do:
That's the plan for this weekend. I have a bunch of maples to work on...
- Thin the leaves.
- On the extending shoots that you want to thicken, remove both sets of older leaves on interior nodes. Keep both sets of young leaves on nodes close to the growing tips.
- On the puffs that haven't extended, thin each leaf pair to one. Generally there will be an upward leaf and a downward leaf - cut the upward growing leaf to let the light penetrate the canopy.
- If it's still too dark, cut the remaining leaf in 1/2
- Don't defoliate
- Don't cut off the weak interior shoots or cut off any of their leaves - weaken the strong and strengthen the weak - that's how we create balance. Balance means that every shoot grows with the same vigor and every leaf is the same size - no weak ones and no strong ones.
- Thin the shoots. Keep two shoots at each branch. If there are more than two, keep the side to side and cut off any downward growing shoots. Cut off any shoots growing back toward the interior of the plant. Keep any shoots growing close to the trunk - you want to promote the soft growth so that you can eliminate heavy branches. Keep some upward growing shoots - you'll wire these down to give your branches some depth. You don't want flat pads on a maple.
- Wire the branches while they're still green. The branches that you want to thicken leave long and don't cut off the growing tip. The branches that are getting too thick (on the apex), wire and cut back to two or three nodes.
Maples are a lot of work!
That's why I prefer pines!
Good stuff, Scott!
I find that acer palmatum branches especially attractive when one prunes to up/down nodes and removes the upper bud and this is what I prefer to do for branch development in most circumstances. When I want to redirect a branch or develop ramification, however, I usually choose the horizontal pair to prune to, and in the case of redirection, remove the bud going the wrong way.If there are more than two, keep the side to side and cut off any downward growing shoots
I find that acer palmatum branches especially attractive when one prunes to up/down nodes and removes the upper bud and this is what I prefer to do for branch development in most circumstances. When I want to redirect a branch or develop ramification, however, I usually choose the horizontal pair to prune to, and in the case of redirection, remove the bud going the wrong way.
I don't understand why you would necessarily want to prune back to a side to side, but you're an SOB - so why do you say this?
... just curious![]()
Oso,I find that acer palmatum branches especially attractive when one prunes to up/down nodes and removes the upper bud and this is what I prefer to do for branch development in most circumstances. When I want to redirect a branch or develop ramification, however, I usually choose the horizontal pair to prune to, and in the case of redirection, remove the bud going the wrong way.
I don't understand why you would necessarily want to prune back to a side to side, but you're an SOB - so why do you say this?
... just curious![]()