Donald Trump.

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I don't understand your point of view in what you are saying, none of it squares with the reality I see.
Not to stretch this out to long, but until now Trump has lived a lavish life. He has show no signs of compassion, or even giving a shit about people less fortunate than him. If you say you believe him to be a role model for the young men of today, well thats comical. It is your opinion though, so I won't debate it any longer with you. All good!
Not to stretch this out to long, but until now Trump has lived a lavish life. He has show no signs of compassion, or even giving a shit about people less fortunate than him. If you say you believe him to be a role model for the young men of today, well thats comical. It is your opinion though, so I won't debate it any longer with you. All good!
Have you actually looked into his life and how he interacts with people and how he treats people? You think because he is rich he is a scum bag. He does not do his charitable acts out there in the street he does it quietly and in he is supposed to.
Have you actually looked into his life and how he interacts with people and how he treats people? You think because he is rich he is a scum bag. He does not do his charitable acts out there in the street he does it quietly and in he is supposed to.

Have you actually looked into his life and how he interacts with people and how he treats people? You think because he is rich he is a scum bag. He does not do his charitable acts out there in the street he does it quietly and in he is supposed to.
I hope so! Picturing Donald as not being an extrovert is kind of funny though, he strikes me as a media whore!
It's too bad we have allowed this argument to ruin our relationships.

This is one statement we can agree on.

These threads do nothing to change anyone's mind on anything and only seem to do irreparable damage and make enemies out of friends.

The current political situation is a temporary condition and will pass with time.

I have to wonder and ask everyone that participated in this thread....

Should we not just agree to avoid these stupid arguements in a bonsai forum?

Was it worth the loss of the fellowship and the good will we had as a group whose common interest is bonsai?

Was your opinion, point of view, political beliefs worth the potential loss of a friend?

My answer: no
LOL. what a shitshow this thread is, and trump hasn't even finished a year in office yet. Name calling, constantly insulting each other, saying you won't be friends anymore. I think you all need a time out, or more things to fill out your day... like bonsai.
LOL. what a shitshow this thread is, and trump hasn't even finished a year in office yet. Name calling, constantly insulting each other, saying you won't be friends anymore. I think you all need a time out, or more things to fill out your day... like bonsai.
People need to grow the hell up and realize there's more to life then propping up your political beliefs. The only ones that benefit from these bull shit arguments are the politicians, anyway... both sides are corrupt, dishonest, and in it only to fleece their own pockets and that of their pals. Politics and religion.... sure to distract everyone while we all take it in the rear.
WOW---and that's the liberal mind set: If you don't agree with them they will insult you and beat you down at every turn. On the one hand they praise the 1st Amendment so on and so forth for themselves ----but not for you, a right wing idiot fascist, don't agree with them. It's too bad we have allowed this argument to ruin our relationships.

I'm sorry are you not a republican, did you not say those words? Maybe I took it out of context as looking back I'm not sure what you were commenting on.

Hey this is just a debate, was my language a little strong, maybe but generally it's only as insulting as what I'm responding to. If you're going to come on here bashing liberals then expect some pushback, but nothing here is personal so don't take it that way.

Look, none of us is the boogeyman we each like to portray but a little bit of everything and we can all change...myself I have always been rabidly anti-gun but now I see there are many views as I'd like to take up target shooting, however I still believe the access is way too easy. There is also a cultural difference US to northern UK that shapes my views and responses (we are known for straight forward talk), I'm also believe it or not considered fairly conservative in the UK, which indicates that the US skews right or UK skews left (no surprise there). I don't agree with everything Obama did but I don't see him nor Clinton in that negative a light. In fact I'm a little confused why there is so much hatred for Clinton as I didn't get here until 1999 and nothing I saw since then would support all the bile.
I'm sorry are you not a republican, did you not say those words? Maybe I took it out of context as looking back I'm not sure what you were commenting on.

Hey this is just a debate, was my language a little strong, maybe but generally it's only as insulting as what I'm responding to. If you're going to come on here bashing liberals then expect some pushback, but nothing here is personal so don't take it that way.

Look, none of us is the boogeyman we each like to portray but a little bit of everything and we can all change...myself I have always been rabidly anti-gun but now I see there are many views as I'd like to take up target shooting, however I still believe the access is way too easy. There is also a cultural difference US to northern UK that shapes my views and responses (we are known for straight forward talk), I'm also believe it or not considered fairly conservative in the UK, which indicates that the US skews right or UK skews left (no surprise there). I don't agree with everything Obama did but I don't see him nor Clinton in that negative a light. In fact I'm a little confused why there is so much hatred for Clinton as I didn't get here until 1999 and nothing I saw since then would support all the bile.

im really suprised at this, but i will tell you that everyone - and i mean EVERYONE that i have trained, taken to range, etc comes away with a completely different perspective on guns/laws after they "take up" shooting, collecting, self defense - whatever the motivation is.

id bet dollars to donuts - the more you follow the clusterf*ck that is gun control, the more your opinions will change. with context, and a little skin in the game - people come away armed with some perspective and knowledge they just didnt have back when they were "rabidly anti-gun". you could be the exception - but im willing to be youll come away with a different presepctive from what you have now. ive had die-hard-feel-the-bern socialists change their minds.

the last couple of years i have seen a LOT more diversity in those looking to train - women, minorities, gays - gun rights advocates are not just old white men and former military anymore.

as for clinton - well i cant help you there - if youre not the least bit suspicious after decades of controversy and allegations that have followed them their entire career, then i dont think theres much to talk about.

but id be glad to talk guns - id be glad to take you as a guest to my club in you are ever in nc. im pretty sure youd come away feeling a little differently about the issue.
He's trying really hard isn't he Max?

Yeah, you sure can make a lot of friends insulting them and threatening them with annihilation every chance you get and I'm sure "rocket man" is just a term of endearment...
Yeah, you sure can make a lot of friends insulting them ans threatwning yjem with anihilation every chance you get and I'm sure "rocket man" is just a term of endearment...
Hopefully they gave him "dummy" codes for the nukes.
And these gop tax cuts are for the rich. They won't help nothing but more money into the pockets of guys like trump.
# Me too!
Roy Moore is living It!
G grabby
O old
P perverts
Another accuser! Who knew?
Once these guys start they don't stop.
There will be more. You just watch.
Let's hope some of his recent victims come forward so charges can be pressed.
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