I'm sorry are you not a republican, did you not say those words? Maybe I took it out of context as looking back I'm not sure what you were commenting on.
Hey this is just a debate, was my language a little strong, maybe but generally it's only as insulting as what I'm responding to. If you're going to come on here bashing liberals then expect some pushback, but nothing here is personal so don't take it that way.
Look, none of us is the boogeyman we each like to portray but a little bit of everything and we can all change...myself I have always been rabidly anti-gun but now I see there are many views as I'd like to take up target shooting, however I still believe the access is way too easy. There is also a cultural difference US to northern UK that shapes my views and responses (we are known for straight forward talk), I'm also believe it or not considered fairly conservative in the UK, which indicates that the US skews right or UK skews left (no surprise there). I don't agree with everything Obama did but I don't see him nor Clinton in that negative a light. In fact I'm a little confused why there is so much hatred for Clinton as I didn't get here until 1999 and nothing I saw since then would support all the bile.