Donald Trump.

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Don't put words in my mouth then of course what kind of friend keeps bashing away at the same things that they know are going to offend their friend? It's ok as long as the left is doing the bashing???

There is no other way to intepret "choose your words carefully", and "your words have consequences".

Youve said some things that could have been taken offensively too.. I don't see him throwing out ultimatums that you better stop saying those things or else.
This isn't about left vs right, its about someone telling another person he supposedly considers a friend that if he doesn't keep his mouth shout, they are longer friends.

A friend that puts "consequences" on another's words and threatens that something will happen if he doesnt keep his mouth shut, is not a true friend, thats a bully.

Freedom of speech does not mean only speech you agree with.

My husband voted for Trump and we disagree on all sorts of things political. He doesnt tell me what I should say or think, nor I him. It isnt a condition of our relationship.
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No he warns rich men but I bet you didn't know this.
I would love to hear more as to how you rationalize supporting a cutthroat New York developer, all the while being an observant Christian. Easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. I guess you are saying Donald is just a pure selfless philanthropist, using his inherited fortune to raise up the downtrodden. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Donald is just a pure selfless philanthropist

Oh, ah ha ha ha ha ha ha, oh, heh heh heh, hehehe, ooooohhh...

And over 30% of the US voters still believe that crap?...

Whoahowhaw haw haw haw, aghe, wow, phew, huh huh huh, cough cough

Khre... huhuhuh :D
using his inherited fortune to raise up the downtrodden.

Well, to me it seems pretty obvious that in the quoted sentence, the verb "raise" is either a typo or totally irrelevant: "fuck up" is the right word and it doesn't only apply to the downtrodden, but to the wobbling middle-class.
Well, to me it seems pretty obvious that in the quoted sentence, the verb "raise" is either a typo or totally irrelevant: "fuck up" is the right word and it doesn't only apply to the downtrodden, but to the wobbling middle-class.
Completement sarcastic! I could never believe a bullshit story like Trump caring about poor folks!
Why do you think I care? Do you think there is anything in it for me?
Yes I still believe in Trump. Have you bothered to look and the unemployment rate; the lowest since the 80's, the stock market has hit several record highs, the people accros the globe respect us again, and all of this has been done by executive orders. Have you notiuced that some of the countries that fled overseas have come home and others are building here for the first time. We had one that wanted the Arab countries to talk together like a bunch of Christians----- so brilliance is not prerequisite to the White House.

Some would argue that most of this years results really belong to Obama as they are a result of his policies and there is some lag from policy to results. However Obama took the unemployment from 10.2 to 4.8 in January so Trump at most can claim 4.8 to 4.1%, plus didn't he say it was fake?
Similarly the stock market went from 6507 to 19732 under Obama, more than 300% growth. Whereas under Trump it went from 19732 to 23500 so around 20%...

Having travelled overseas this year, Alain's view is much more accurate than yours, people just shake there heads and wonder how we put up with it...and this is from friendly countries.

For an example of incompetence just take a look at the ACA repeal efforts...
Sorce, you are mostly right...and I am not arguing with anyone just stating some facts and telling the Liberals the Truth, that they are a bunch of Non-Thinking, Idealog Followers of Satan, Jerkoffs .....that if not for the Conservatives would be Kissing the Ass's of Bill and Hill for another 8 years....OMG.... its all real and I am just passing along on this road of the Truth...and BTW my life has become better and more Rewarding since Trump has taken office...

Telling the truth? From someone who believes in a made up character like Satan...LOL

I'm happy your life is better under Trump, it's a shame so many others are worse off, but who cares about that right...what a good little republican you are.
And that people is the republican mindset in a nutshell...
WOW---and that's the liberal mind set: If you don't agree with them they will insult you and beat you down at every turn. On the one hand they praise the 1st Amendment so on and so forth for themselves ----but not for you, a right wing idiot fascist, don't agree with them. It's too bad we have allowed this argument to ruin our relationships.
And that people is the republican mindset in a nutshell...
I can totally see a new version of the bible where Jesus ŕesponds to the poor and desperate by saying "what's in it for me?" I always thought Jesus was the one who commanded his followers to love?...
I can totally see a new version of the bible where Jesus ŕesponds to the poor and desperate by saying "what's in it for me?" I always thought Jesus was the one who commanded his followers to love?...
SO_---What are you thinking? He also rebuked the crowd that followed him around after the miracle of the fish and loaves, telling them if they did not work they did not eat.
Its Idealogy vs Pragmatism....
Liberal Leftism is a form of Pseudo Intellectualism in that they think they are so intelligent that their Mindset does not allow any other thoughts or ideas contradictory to their own, so why would they even consider discussing another's POV....
Unfortunately this is how most Liberal's think...
As opposed to several other's on this Thread who are just not up to a Logical thought under any circumstance...So Sad.
SO_---What are you thinking? He also rebuked the crowd that followed him around after the miracle of the fish and loaves, telling them if they did not work they did not eat.
100% hard work is good for all! It seems though that too many people toy with religion, to tailor it to their political gain. I mean Trump cannot be a compassionate Christian.
100% hard work is good for all! It seems though that too many people toy with religion, to tailor it to their political gain. I mean Trump cannot be a compassionate Christian.
Why? Just because you say he cannot? Remember he was not elected to be minister, bishop or Pope. He was elected by enough people that believed in his message to give him the Electoral College.
Why? Just because you say he cannot? Remember he was not elected to be minister, bishop or Pope. He was elected by enough people that believed in his message to give him the Electoral College.
I hope he can repent, and return to the American people like a prodigal son. That would be a wonderful thing, to see him actually looking after all the people. I imagine we all want to see people prospering, and enjoying life.
I hope he can repent, and return to the American people like a prodigal son. That would be a wonderful thing, to see him actually looking after all the people. I imagine we all want to see people prospering, and enjoying life.
I don't understand your point of view in what you are saying, none of it squares with the reality I see. You seem to be indicating that Mr. Trump is guilty of what????
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