Marine Bonsologist
Don't put words in my mouth then of course what kind of friend keeps bashing away at the same things that they know are going to offend their friend? It's ok as long as the left is doing the bashing???
There is no other way to intepret "choose your words carefully", and "your words have consequences".
Youve said some things that could have been taken offensively too.. I don't see him throwing out ultimatums that you better stop saying those things or else.
This isn't about left vs right, its about someone telling another person he supposedly considers a friend that if he doesn't keep his mouth shout, they are longer friends.
A friend that puts "consequences" on another's words and threatens that something will happen if he doesnt keep his mouth shut, is not a true friend, thats a bully.
Freedom of speech does not mean only speech you agree with.
My husband voted for Trump and we disagree on all sorts of things political. He doesnt tell me what I should say or think, nor I him. It isnt a condition of our relationship.
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