Donald Trump.

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Yeah when I started this thread, I didn't dream it would test some friendships here. In hindsight maybe I shouldn't have been so nosy about the trumpeter....:(
Well I can only hope that everybody comes out stronger after this a weird way, maybe this brings people closer in the longer run...:)
im really suprised at this, but i will tell you that everyone - and i mean EVERYONE that i have trained, taken to range, etc comes away with a completely different perspective on guns/laws after they "take up" shooting, collecting, self defense - whatever the motivation is.

id bet dollars to donuts - the more you follow the clusterf*ck that is gun control, the more your opinions will change. with context, and a little skin in the game - people come away armed with some perspective and knowledge they just didnt have back when they were "rabidly anti-gun". you could be the exception - but im willing to be youll come away with a different presepctive from what you have now. ive had die-hard-feel-the-bern socialists change their minds.

the last couple of years i have seen a LOT more diversity in those looking to train - women, minorities, gays - gun rights advocates are not just old white men and former military anymore.

as for clinton - well i cant help you there - if youre not the least bit suspicious after decades of controversy and allegations that have followed them their entire career, then i dont think theres much to talk about.

but id be glad to talk guns - id be glad to take you as a guest to my club in you are ever in nc. im pretty sure youd come away feeling a little differently about the issue.

Thanks...I'm still in research mode now so will hit you up if I have any questions. I'm looking in to shooting in the 500-1000 yard range eventually.
HDC ======= Housing Development Corporation

basically something that sits on 50 x 50 square feet and the neighbour can hear you
pass gas,

...and this is from friendly countries.


A lot of us "Euroweenies" think that the world, the earth is not the propertyu of a few crooks, or a country, but it's our common heritage, what we'll leave to our children. So perhaps others believe in money, and religion - the best means to have decerabrated followers to gobble up anything, I don't.

The earth is not flat. Global warming and pollution are largely man-made, like wars are the results of Man's stupidity: peoples have the government they deserve.

But of course, you're free to think otherwise, and deny the evidence. My initial post was to open a debate, but you can lead a horse to water...

"War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength"

And Truth is "Fake news! You're fired!" (???)
Trump is the Man...Asians love him...He is making America Great again...Go Donald....

Well I'm afraid he's been decieving you.

Oh, he boasts about destroying North Korea, he befriends Philippino President Duterte who supports death squads, but that's "real politics", alas, most governments do that.

But to what benefit for a "greater America"?...

What about "diplomacy"?

Nil, nothing, nada. He has made thye rest of the world think that all Americans are conptemptous self-righteous sontty brats ready to back any of this vulgar clown's whim.

What reassures me is that he's just a fat-mouthed bully, but he'll never have the guts to send many innocent Americans die for his follies.

Pardon me, but he's just a soft-bellied incompetent pitiful clown.

I wish there's a majority of US citizens who now realize how they've been had, even if in their little comfortable doghouse, it's business as usual...
Well I'm afraid he's been decieving you.

Oh, he boasts about destroying North Korea, he befriends Philippino President Duterte who supports death squads, but that's "real politics", alas, most governments do that.

But to what benefit for a "greater America"?...

What about "diplomacy"?

Nil, nothing, nada. He has made thye rest of the world think that all Americans are conptemptous self-righteous sontty brats ready to back any of this vulgar clown's whim.

What reassures me is that he's just a fat-mouthed bully, but he'll never have the guts to send many innocent Americans die for his follies.

Pardon me, but he's just a soft-bellied incompetent pitiful clown.

I wish there's a majority of US citizens who now realize how they've been had, even if in their little comfortable doghouse, it's business as usual...
I don't know how you come up with this crap after looking at the same events I have been looking at?
I don't know how you come up with this crap after looking at the same events I have been looking at?

We apparently don't have the same source of information, read, or watch the same media.

It's all a matter of point of view of course, but what has Darnold T. achieved so far, at home or abroad, apart from seending thousands of tweets? .... ... ... ... ?

Let me tell you, when he's not the laughing stock for the rest of the world, he's the one why so many think "why do you Americans hate us?...". And the consequences. Worth thinking about it I think.

By the way, talking about diplomacy :

How many suspected shoplifters has Trump freed from 10 years in prison in China? <LOL>

And, my, thanks to Him, the sun will rise in the east tomorrow.

Check that, and you will see how great he is. :p
We apparently don't have the same source of information, read, or watch the same media.

It's all a matter of point of view of course, but what has Darnold T. achieved so far, at home or abroad, apart from seending thousands of tweets? .... ... ... ... ?

Let me tell you, when he's not the laughing stock for the rest of the world, he's the one why so many think "why do you Americans hate us?...". And the consequences. Worth thinking about it I think.

By the way, talking about diplomacy :


Donald Trump POTUSA, a most Brilliant, Aggressive, Intellectual, Passionate, Compassionate, Business Man, a proven winner throughout his life.......
How fortunate we are to have him at the Helm of our Great Ship...........
^^^ As he stears it right towards an iceberg.
Prove it. Illegal immigration is way down, businesses are coming back home because much of the regulations have been repealed, the economy is at a high we have not seen since before 9/11, the unemployment rate is coming down, the economy is currently at 4%,---- the highest Obama gave us was less than 1%, we are respected world wide, instead of being laughed at and most of this stuff he has done with executive orders. Because the left controls enough of the congress to hinder his agenda, and the never Trump Rino Republicans he is having problems getting some of his bills through Congress. He has appointed a replacement for Scalia, and is getting some of his appointees through. All of the things happening are the things he said he was going to do.
^^ lol, you prove all that nonsense. The economy didn't magically get better because Trumpy's around, its been trending that way for years. Would really like to see where we are respected world wide, maybe respected by Russia, Syria and the Philippines, but that would be about it.
^^ lol, you prove all that nonsense. The economy didn't magically get better because Trumpy's around, its been trending that way for years. Would really like to see where we are respected world wide, maybe respected by Russia, Syria and the Philippines, but that would be about it.
Don't forget Israel ------
Thanks...I'm still in research mode now so will hit you up if I have any questions. I'm looking in to shooting in the 500-1000 yard range eventually.
What kind of weapon are you shooting? If you are going to shoot over 500 yards you would be better off with a Scope on your weapon. I got pretty good with an M14 at targets of 600 yards but that was unusual.
Donald Trump POTUSA, a most Brilliant, Aggressive, Intellectual, Passionate, Compassionate, Business Man, a proven winner throughout his life.......
How fortunate we are to have him at the Helm of our Great Ship...........

Such is his knack for this president's uncanny ability to build a mountain of hype that is swallowed without question by so many.

Brilliant Business genius he is not--a great bullshitter he is.

That he is not an intellectual is pretty self-evident and a primary reason he was elected. He specifically ran as anti-intellectual and as a "gut level" politician. His appeal is wholly emotional.

What has he accomplished LEGISLATIVELY since his election? He HAS rammed through 50--as in F-I-F-T-Y-- Executive Orders as of October--(to various degrees of success-with some big ham handed blunders that he's had to repeatedly re-do). His continued use of the EO is at odds with his criticism of Obama using EOs. Obama signed 26 in the same time period during his time in office.

Passionate, yeah, not exactly a terrific trait to give yourself over to, especially if you're the leader of the free world. Passion is great, but not at the expense of common sense and the political capital that presidents have to leverage to get their jobs done.
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