Does ANYONE really like or appreciate the bitchiness on this site?

I'll let some in on a secret, early in my time on the forum as bananaman I posed a question at @markyscott post about the willow leaf. It came from a guy called bananaman with like 5 posts here. I posed a simple question of a 50% reduction to his tree which is way too tall and has a terrible top which will never look good. Marky gave me a head nod, "thanks for your comment", never really addressing the tree at all. He looked at a name like bananaman and 5 posts and disregarded the post as someone with absolutely no experience. If he's happy with it I get it but it is really a funky tree. I think it could be made better by removing all the bad parts and starting over but it's not my tree. BUT, it is posted here and open for commenting ....right?

So post away on this public forum and just know that sometimes someone is going to blow chunks in your cheerios and your not going to like it. Debate the remarks not the guy who states them. Look at his trees and his record and contributions then lean them up against your own and think..."hey maybe this guy is teaching me something if I would just shut up and listen"

Of course, it’s an open forum and everyone is free to comment. That’s why I post here. Sometimes I agree with the feedback and sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I’ll choose to engage and sometimes I won’t. It sounds like I didn’t give your comment the attention you felt it deserved. Maybe that’s right, but, in my defense, I have a family with four kids, a full time job and I do a lot of traveling. There will be many comments made on this forum that won’t get the attention from me that they deserve and we’ll all have to try and find a way to live with that.

I guess it might depend on what post you first saw, but "bananaman" had made over 30 posts by the time he commented on @markyscott 's tree. If you saw only a handful of them, you should have known. If you didn't...what can I say?

FWIW, I can’t say that I knew with confidence at the time Al made his comment, but I had a strong suspicion.

in my defense, I have a family with four kids, a full time job and I do a lot of traveling

So true. As much as I love bonsai, they are not my #1 priority. I have lost trees because they were less important than what was going on in my life at that moment. I lost 80% of my collection during a very difficult personal time when I couldn't be bothered to walk into my back yard due to other priorities.

But the trees understand.
I appreciate the edginess of some people. Hell I even appreciated what sawgrass added. I think we should all be pushed to question ourselves. It's what helps keep us going in the right direction. How boring would life be if we all saw things the same way. I enjoy some confrontation. It adds spice to life. F GOOD VIBES ONLY.
I appreciate the edginess of some people. Hell I even appreciated what sawgrass added. I think we should all be pushed to question ourselves. It's what helps keep us going in the right direction. How boring would life be if we all saw things the same way. I enjoy some confrontation. It adds spice to life. F GOOD VIBES ONLY.

Well in the grand scheme of things... it's trees, not brain surgery. Shouldn't be so serious anyway.
So true. As much as I love bonsai, they are not my #1 priority. I have lost trees because they were less important than what was going on in my life at that moment. I lost 80% of my collection during a very difficult personal time when I couldn't be bothered to walk into my back yard due to other priorities.

But the trees understand.
The trees understand? Did I read that correctly?
Well in the grand scheme of things... it's trees, not brain surgery. Shouldn't be so serious anyway.
It's as serious as you want it to be. Maybe it's more important than brain surgery. If we focused more on nurturing nature maybe we would have less brain cancer? Less carcinogens in the air, etc
It's as serious as you want it to be. Maybe it's more important than brain surgery. If we focused more on nurturing nature maybe we would have less brain cancer? Less carcinogens in the air, etc

Environmental protection is a whole 'nother nail appointment.....
I have to admit, I do find some humor in a witty, sarcastic remark, but draw the line at any sort of personal attack.
Hmm... “Earned the right to be an asshole”.

To use one of Cadilliactaste’s phrases, “I’m chewing on that”.

Are there any special perks for being an asshole I’m not aware of? Do assholes get respect because they’re assholes? Is being an asshole something you would want engraved on your tombstone?

I mean, sometimes people can be assholes by accident, not meaning to be assholes but it just happens occasionally. But deliberately trying to be one? “earning the right to be one”?

I guess everyone has different goals in life. Being known as an asshole is not one of mine.
Hmm... “Earned the right to be an asshole”.

To use one of Cadilliactaste’s phrases, “I’m chewing on that”.

Are there any special perks for being an asshole I’m not aware of? Do assholes get respect because they’re assholes? Is being an asshole something you would want engraved on your tombstone?

I mean, sometimes people can be assholes by accident, not meaning to be assholes but it just happens occasionally. But deliberately trying to be one? “earning the right to be one”?

I guess everyone has different goals in life. Being known as an asshole is not one of mine.

I have to agree with you on this. I fall into the accidental category but I normally skip past the asshole and go straight for making a whole ass of myself... Definitely not on purpose just an unfortunate talent... I always have regrets once it's pointed out.
Hmm... “Earned the right to be an asshole”.

To use one of Cadilliactaste’s phrases, “I’m chewing on that”.

Are there any special perks for being an asshole I’m not aware of? Do assholes get respect because they’re assholes? Is being an asshole something you would want engraved on your tombstone?

I mean, sometimes people can be assholes by accident, not meaning to be assholes but it just happens occasionally. But deliberately trying to be one? “earning the right to be one”?

I guess everyone has different goals in life. Being known as an asshole is not one of mine.

Keyboards and computer screens are often permission slips for people to say things they wouldn't normally have the balls to say to another human being in person.
Keyboards and computer screens are often permission slips for people to say things they wouldn't normally have the balls to say to another human being in person.

See that's another unfortunate thing, I would say it in person just the same... Not proud, it's a flaw that I am actually working on.
See that's another unfortunate thing, I would say it in person just the same... Not proud, it's a flaw that I am actually working on.

I'm like that. I have no filter, and I don't believe in sugar coating anything. It is what it is. However I doubt that you're an intentional asshole just for the fun of being an asshole. There's a difference between being an outright asshole, and being a person who doesn't live in bunny foo foo land.
I'm like that. I have no filter, and I don't believe in sugar coating anything..
That's ok for the internet but not so easy to do in front of 200 me! It's like trying to walk on egg shells with lead boots on.
That's ok for the internet but not so easy to do in front of 200 me! It's like trying to walk on egg shells with lead boots on.

EH. It's a learned talent I guess. LOL
I think the problem there is the same as here. The people with experience, real experience, become bored with what kind of tree is my bonsai, is my bonsai dead and can I make a banzai out of this here tree?
exactly. And as a result people who have nice trees decide to leave, because there are no bonsai on the forum to discuss. It is one of the reasons I frequent the nut: Here you see trees and development of trees, and not just young plants in pots. Making the shift from one to another content type is not easy though. It needs some solid posters who post their trees. but when they are then questioned in what they do..

Luckily, my trees aren't good yet.
Hmm... “Earned the right to be an asshole”.

To use one of Cadilliactaste’s phrases, “I’m chewing on that”.

Are there any special perks for being an asshole I’m not aware of? Do assholes get respect because they’re assholes? Is being an asshole something you would want engraved on your tombstone?

I mean, sometimes people can be assholes by accident, not meaning to be assholes but it just happens occasionally. But deliberately trying to be one? “earning the right to be one”?

I guess everyone has different goals in life. Being known as an asshole is not one of mine.
My wife calls me an asshole all the time. I accept it as a term of endearment. Maybe the people that feel they've earned the right to be an asshole experience affection when they're being said asshole?

On a side note, I believe this thread will go down in history as the highest count of the word "asshole". Another useless point of this entire thread. Just saying..
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