Bonsai Nut
Nuttier than your average Nut
It does not help if a forum is flooded with -in some times of the year 10+ per day- posts of IKEA style ficus, dead s-shaped trees and seedlings. Not an excuse, but a reason for some of the direct and at times harsh responses.
There has to be a balance.
Everyone is a beginner at some point. If you do not leave open the door and put out a welcome mat, you are turning away a potential lifelong practitioner of the art. In some ways, I value Home Depot and IKEA trees - because they are one of the most effective advertisers for bonsai. Sure we have shows and exhibitions - but many people's first experience with bonsai are those mass-produced commercial trees sold out of carts or backs of vans down by the river

I think it is good practice to focus on how to maximize the enjoyment from every tree - even if they aren't the best bonsai. Then people will come back and ask for more info, and will buy more trees, and our hobby will remain vibrant and alive with lots of practitioners. I think most people respond well to the feedback that their tree is really just a beginner tree and isn't on the path to a bonsai show any time soon. What they don't respond well to is personal ridicule - just because they bought a tree that appealed to them at IKEA.