2015 Bonsai Nut Boxstore Challenge Twist


Imperial Masterpiece
Reaction score
Panama City, FL Zone 9a/8b Centr
Box Store Challenge Participants,

Going into this challenge, most of us knew it was not going to be an easy one. Many scoffed at the mere idea of using evergreens. Some expressed their frustration and didn’t want to (or in some cases couldn’t) participate which was completely understandable. Still, a few of us looked past the negatives and jumped all over the task. It was tough but we found usable material and gave those evergreens a true workout. We all should applaud our efforts. Nevertheless, they are evergreens and need time to recover and grow.

Recently, I dropped a few hints and announced there would be a twist to the challenge. Well, the twist is the challenge isn’t over! Yes, there is another part to the challenge and here’s how it works:

If you entered the 2015 Spring Box Store Challenge and emailed your entry for judging within the contest guidelines then you qualify for the next part of the challenge. This will be an opportunity for you to refine your tree and where all your efforts can really shine. Those who participate will have until September 30th of 2016 to improve upon the work they’ve already done. And there’s more great news, Mr. Pall has agreed to judge our work once again! He is indeed a true gentleman and such an inspiration to the Art.

Okay, there are only two rules to this part of the challenge.

Rule #1: Participants can seek advice at workshops, from this forum (or other forums), other enthusiasts, a Bonsai Master or wherever and whomever they wish. The only stipulation is the work must be accomplished or assisted by the participant. In other words, you cannot just turn your tree over to someone for them to do the work.

Rule #2: Since this is a Bonsai Nut Challenge, participants must post updates at a minimum of every 90 days on the forum.

That's it, there are no other rules!

Now you may have noticed that separate categories were not mentioned in the rules. That’s because there are none. So, I encourage everyone to really work the heck out of Rule #1. With help from others, I believe even the beginners in this challenge can create a winning tree.

Thank you all and let’s create some Bonsai!

Very good idea Vin! Is there going to be a thread strictly devoted to the updates that we need to post every 90 days?
So... Is WP judging the entries now, and again in September 2016?

do we need to wait to post updates on the tree we entered until first results are posted?

This is a great twist, and I think will lead to better trees... But fewer final entries. Unfortunately we all know some trees will not make it, some people will not be here that long, many will miss the 90 day marks... Regardless, this is how long it takes to make a tree into a Bonsai in most situations!
Very good idea Vin! Is there going to be a thread strictly devoted to the updates that we need to post every 90 days?
Thanks and yes, I believe using one thread for 90 day updates would be the only way to keep up with it. However, that thread would be used just for everyone to post updates. They'll need to create a separate thread if they want to ask for detailed help and such for their own tree. I hope that makes sense?
So... Is WP judging the entries now, and again in September 2016?

do we need to wait to post updates on the tree we entered until first results are posted?

This is a great twist, and I think will lead to better trees... But fewer final entries. Unfortunately we all know some trees will not make it, some people will not be here that long, many will miss the 90 day marks... Regardless, this is how long it takes to make a tree into a Bonsai in most situations!
Yes, WP will judge the work we've done now and then again in Sep 2016. If you don't mind, let's wait a few days before we start posting updates. Mr. Pall and I are still trying to get the trees in order for judging.

This is a great twist, and I think will lead to better trees... But fewer final entries. Unfortunately we all know some trees will not make it, some people will not be here that long, many will miss the 90 day marks... Regardless, this is how long it takes to make a tree into a Bonsai in most situations!
I agree completely. I figure only about half or less will end up being judged again for various reasons. I hope I'm wrong though.
So... Is WP judging the entries now, and again in September 2016?

do we need to wait to post updates on the tree we entered until first results are posted?

This is a great twist, and I think will lead to better trees... But fewer final entries. Unfortunately we all know some trees will not make it, some people will not be here that long, many will miss the 90 day marks... Regardless, this is how long it takes to make a tree into a Bonsai in most situations!
By the way, I've seen all the trees. I think most are going to make it.
By the way, I've seen all the trees. I think most are going to make it.
Well I certainly hope so! I wasn't implying just the initial styling would kill a bunch, more the rigors of "being a bonsai" and mistakes by those of us taking care of them would eventually cull the heard... That is just the way of the bonsai world.
Thanks and yes, I believe using one thread for 90 day updates would be the only way to keep up with it. However, that thread would be used just for everyone to post updates. They'll need to create a separate thread if they want to ask for detailed help and such for their own tree. I hope that makes sense?

Cool, that makes sense. Should be interesting to see the progress...I love progression threads as it is!
Nice idea! :)

We can re-pot the tree in nicer, definitive, bonsai pot, with nice soil and so on or do we still have to keep it in its original plastic crap?
Nice idea! :)

We can re-pot the tree in nicer, definitive, bonsai pot, with nice soil and so on or do we still have to keep it in its original plastic crap?
Yes, yes, yes, yes and more yeses. :D

Bend it, shape it
Anyway you want to
Repot it if you want
It's all right

That's the idea behind this part of the challenge. Take your tree to another level. Have it actually look like a tree in a pot.
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