Whats Going on in Smoke's Backyard?

..I've been deathly afraid of over-fertilizing. . . .

Doubtful you do more harm than clogging the soil a bit by heavily fertilizing with organics. I use organic cakes that cover 25-50% of the soil surface, March-November, and feed weekly with fish emulsion at about double strength...muddy...around 1/2-2/3 cup per 4 gallons (I don't really measure, just a few big glugs from the gallon jug).
Many thanks, sir! That's what I was thinking. Yeah, I've considered bags, but these Gro-Power tabs are terribly convenient and relatively inexpensive.

Thanks for the advice on fertilizing at full strength. I figured as much but was scared to try. I'll do full strength while I'm getting rid of the rest of this gallon.

Using the siphon injector along with the fertilizer bags won't be too much? I've been deathly afraid of over-fertilizing, but I'm starting to think that I'm just being a scardy cat. . . .

you are certainly welcome ....

I use MG full strength + kelp emulsion for weekly ferts .... tea bags are 5-5-5 organic .... will add the siphon with MG ... trying to come up with other ways of getting fert to the trees if I can ... over fertilizing with bonsai (in proper soil) is a really hard thing to do .....

remember the discussions about bonsai being a form of hydroponics ... we are constantly removing available nutrients from the trees by watering and only a fraction of what we provide at typical fertilization times is even retained by the soil .... our best chance of great health is to continually provide such nutrients so that when the tree is capable of utilizing them they will be there for them to use.... the worst thing that can happen is that the tree goes to utilize some nutrient and its not there ... too much of that and bam!! dead / sick tree

one thing we have always been taught is not to over fert because of the chance of burning the roots.... those discussions however don't remind people that its usually the strength at time of application that is an issue .... they also don't usually take into account the soil aggregates specific to bonsai culture (which makes sense) ... so we always need to consider those things with a grain of salt ...
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Double strength fish fertilizer ? I bet your back yard smells nice ! I use organic fert almost every day but not so concentrated. I also have several different kinds. You can get really good organic fert at the hydroponic store.
Got my tablets from Gro-Power on Monday and planted them all the same day. Got the package with like 1,200 tabs or some ridiculous amount. That'll probably last me a couple years. Super fast shipping and an incredible price. Love that company!
Got my tablets from Gro-Power on Monday and planted them all the same day. Got the package with like 1,200 tabs or some ridiculous amount. That'll probably last me a couple years. Super fast shipping and an incredible price. Love that company!

Just called them, I was told that they only sell to businesses, so didn't take my order.
But they promised to call me back to tell me where can I find the product from a re-seller.

Oh Smoke... Update time!

Fear and loathing in Fresno. More of the same for next week. Smokes backyard is on fire right now. My sprinklers came on and nothing but steam came out.


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OW,OW,OW..... what do you do with your trees in this kind of extreme heat? I can't even imagine it for some of my trees, they are struggling in the heat we have had, and especially the wind. Better break out that pink thong...
Fear and loathing in Fresno. More of the same for next week. Smokes backyard is on fire right now. My sprinklers came on and nothing but steam came out.

But at least it's a dry heat ;)
OW,OW,OW..... what do you do with your trees in this kind of extreme heat? I can't even imagine it for some of my trees, they are struggling in the heat we have had, and especially the wind. Better break out that pink thong...

Wouldn't that make it even hotter outside?
Just called them, I was told that they only sell to businesses, so didn't take my order.
But they promised to call me back to tell me where can I find the product from a re-seller.

Hey, sorry to hear that. I think the only reason they made an exception for me is because I'm in Michigan and there isn't a single business in Michigan that carries their stuff. They're really good about keeping in contact, though, so I'd expect a call within the next day or two. Good luck. :)
Hey, sorry to hear that. I think the only reason they made an exception for me is because I'm in Michigan and there isn't a single business in Michigan that carries their stuff. They're really good about keeping in contact, though, so I'd expect a call within the next day or two. Good luck. :)

yep, that's exactly what they told me.
But the good news is, they just called me and directed me to a business close to my house, that has the product. So, I'll pick up a box tomorrow.
It's 105F at my house, I am scrambling to order a shade cloth. Hasn't been this hot for the past 4 years. This is the first day though, hopefully it won't last.
I was just going with the fear and loathing title idea with the thong comment....
I'm a little disappointed that the word "thong" didn't even show up on my radar while I was reading these recent posts. Usually that one sticks out. haha
yep, that's exactly what they told me.
But the good news is, they just called me and directed me to a business close to my house, that has the product. So, I'll pick up a box tomorrow.
Do enjoy! :D I'm glad they found somewhere close.
I'm a little disappointed that the word "thong" didn't even show up on my radar while I was reading these recent posts. Usually that one sticks out. haha

"The case for smaller trees!"


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You will notice that I am trying to pick up what must be a three million dollar forest of foemina's. At least my trees are larger.
Oh God...please tell me that's Photoshopped. If not then you're indeed a brave man. Not many would have the courage to rock a thong like that. haha
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