Whats Going on in Smoke's Backyard?

How long are your meetings?
That's quite a bit of work for one meeting.
You must move like Flash Gordon!
I've heard of that movie.
I move more like Commissioner Gordon.
The spaceship is a riot!

I love the 2 pots on a board to graft without moving one alone trick
It's a good one.
I wonder. @Smoke. Do you keep trees around just for donor plants? That one looks kind of like it's been used that way.
It's a good one.
I wonder. @Smoke. Do you keep trees around just for donor plants? That one looks kind of like it's been used that way.
Of course. Any respectable bonsai person working on 100+ tridents is going to have to do grafting thru the season. I have lots of plants that I use for grafting. In some cases, if you look, the tree and the donor is wired to a board so the squirrels don't knock it away from each other. In some cases I have had the donor in the middle and a plant wired to each end of a longer board and grafted two trees with the same donor, which I could easily do with this tree.

Currently I have two tridents being grafted both with three grafts each.
A look into @Smoke -a-en Garden is always a treat!! Even if the "donor trees" are better than my "good stuff"..;):D:D:D:D

You see a lot of this in nightclubs....beautiful specimen with not-so-attractive friend/creepy sugar daddy....even in training, your work is thought provoking.

A 100+ tridents in Fresno is garden ninja thumb level....o_O:D
A look into @Smoke -a-en Garden is always a treat!! Even if the "donor trees" are better than my "good stuff"..;):D:D:D:D

You see a lot of this in nightclubs....beautiful specimen with not-so-attractive friend/creepy sugar daddy....even in training, your work is thought provoking.

A 100+ tridents in Fresno is garden ninja thumb level....o_O:D
I went out and counted. It is only 35. I now count all the clumps I did as one tree now and I sold quite a few two years ago at the yard sale. So, just 35 single trees, but the elms are multiplying like bunnies. That no. is well over 100 now!

This is why I do the work....
I have a couple of tiny leaf elms that the vendor thought were seiju.
The leaves and growth pattern don't match that species,they look and grow like regular Chinese elm. They also have cork bark.
I thought they were yatsabu said but maybe they are Drake?
Or are Drake and Yatsabu said the same tree?View attachment 129373 View attachment 129374
that looks like my yatsubusa
I went out and counted. It is only 35. I now count all the clumps I did as one tree now and I sold quite a few two years ago at the yard sale. So, just 35 single trees, but the elms are multiplying like bunnies. That no. is well over 100 now!

This is why I do the work....
View attachment 137203
Orange background, unusual but a nice change.
The fabric is the same as I used on my avatar. Kinda a baby $hit yellow. The avatar was shot indoors and the photo above was shot outdoors. The color above the large maple is more true. The part to the left seems to be in more shadow since yesterday was all cloudy with a storm set to hit Tuesday.
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