I don't obviously know much about Bonsai...
But have managed to wire a tree once or twice ... perhaps three times? I can't remember. .. I know it wasn't much?
And from my humble backyard tinkerings...
I would of thought that everyone was wrong?
But what do I know?
See, I would of thought that it actually made no difference. .. as long as the wire ended up on the outside of where the bend was intended to be.
That on a larger branch... it is mathematically impossible to bend much closer to the actual trunk than about an inch away from the trunk in the first place. Due to something called Physics... and dispersement of weight in equal parts. Which tells us that the amount of force needed to bend any closer to the trunk would result in this force having to be released somewhere...
Either further out...resulting in the break there...
Or closer in... resulting in the crotch tearing...
So, this would at least tell myself... that on a heavier brach, you will always end up with a little bit of a hump, if trying to bend straight down... seeing that the branch normally comes off the trunk in an upward direction.
That the only way to really alleviate such a hump, would be to introduce a bend into the crotch, thus ripping it.
If we are not going to be able to bend really any closer than this inch away from the trunk... than as long as there is a wire wrapped above this point, ie. The outside of the bend... than in fact it actually makes no difference from which direction the wire came from.
That what would make sense... would instead be which direction you wanted to "Twist" the branch or the other branch that the wire is "attached" too... in the actual process of bending the branch down.
Ie... if you wanted to "twist" the branch in the process of bending down to the"Right" in the the case of the Photograph with the circles an yellow lines... That you would first want to come over the crotch as the OP has done and then bring the wire up and over to the "Right". And the opposite, of first under, and up and over to the "Left", to twist to the "left".
That in all actuality. .. every branch being brought straight down, should have some sort of "twist " , even if slightly... to alleviate the amount of pressure built up within the bend. That by introducing a "twist"... you will always find you are much more able to accomplish a lot more distance with the amount of how far you can bring the branch down. That a straight line... is far to great of an obstacle to over come. Thus why you do not see mountain roads going staight down... but instead meandering back in forth.
The stress is much to great...
Now as far as the title and subject of the thread... I wouldn't think that demos... would tell you what to do with your tree a year later... unless, well ... they were a Demonstration on what to do with your tree a Year Later? So, not sure where the surprise is? I mean... I would of thought that really there wasn't much need for a Year Later Demonstration... seeing, it is pretty self explanatory?
If you have to take the wire off cause it is biting in... well, then you take the wire off.
If you have to add more... or want to change something, than you add more.
If you need to trim some foliage... you trim some foliage...
Do we honestly need someone to tell us this?
Not trying to be mean here.... just seems a little like... stuff a guy who doesn't know Bonsai... like myself... should be kinda able to figure out?
Back to my tinkering in my backyard.. in the hopes that one day I might be smart, and figure all this Bonsai stuff out.