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Went to a Kaya Mooney demo at New England Bonsai. He was great and super nice about answering questions. I’m very interested to see his work when he comes back state side.

Also checked out some pines brown by Gerald Rainville in BC. Hoping to pick one up over the winter if the cards play out right.


I have one more pondo from yamadori. Following Ryan's guide on the species, but these needles are a mess at 7 inches long.
Visited a private seller's collection. He had some very nice trees, some of the best twisted pomegranates I've seen. Didn't take any pictures of them because I was more interested in the California junipers he had. Apparently, the larger one was collected by Harry Hirao, but I'd need to confirm it. They're pricey but if anyone is interested in them, send a DM I'll connect yall with him.


finished styling most of my RMJ yamadori today. juniper-wise, huge leap going from styling prebonsai garden stock to old collected material (creating real jin, heavy bends that need raffia and guy wires, design execution) - but I welcomed the challenge. it’ll have its own thread soon, once I finish detail wiring
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