I had to spend the day so it was an opportunity to do some work on a few trees that really needed it.
Started on a small shimpaku
Forgot to take a before but here's what I ended up with

And here's most of what I chopped off to give you half an idea where it started.
Autumn is the time to thin out shoots and reduce old needles on JBP. I've been putting off doing this one because there's so many shoots to attend to.

It took a couple of breaks and a couple of hours but I finally got through most of the branches.
This twin trunk trident had a few long shoots I'd left on to strengthen the tree this summer.
A few snips and it's back in reasonable shape.

Close up of the dead wood on the trunk.
I guess it's been a good day when you've managed to promote bonsai and done some much needed work on a few trees.