Yeah, I've been busy. Had the day off from work, drove out to one of my 'local' ish nurseries. Came away with some potential trees/shrubs for next spring. A maple. The species escapes me just now. A pyracanthus, a fig tree purchased for me because, birthday month, and a hydrangea FREEBIE!
As I was getting ready to check out, I'm looking at a 'tree' that wasn't there when I came in. Shop owner tells me it was just dropped off, as the previous owner had no room to bring it inside. Oh yeah, tender hydrangea. Shop owner says I can have it if I want. I'm like, uh, Yeah! And of course, I'm busy looking at the base of it. In the pot it is probably about 3 feet tall. I like the opportunity to experiment with whatever I get my hands on. I don't know if I will actually put it in a 'bonsai' state, but it will get a hard pruning if still alive come spring.
Into my holding pen the outdoor plants will go.