What’s your latest Bonsai related purchase?

These are multiple pieces of . Grey slate natural stone . There approximately 3/4 of a inch thick . At the thickest section . The largest will be. Slabs for plantings . I have a plan . To attempt to attach several smaller pieces together . Then create rocks for ROR


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I bought a set of Spider Farmer SF1000D LED Grow Light with Samsung LM301B Diodes & IR Lights Full Spectrum growing lamps. Will be putting together a 2x4x5 Vivosun tent that I bought a few years ago for the few ficus I have. Probably will be moving in a few other small trees if we get another hard freeze this year.

25 kilo( 30 litre) pumice grain 0-10 mm.
25 liter seramis (clay pellets)
Two x 10 litre pinebark.
500 gram alu wire 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5 mm

Thats all i need to do all repottings and wireing my projects :)
Also in negociation for a field grown zelkova.
Bought some little blue oaks to grow out from a tiny place called, aptly enough, Blue Oak Nursery.

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This is the best of the bunch. Looks like a nice little tree in there.

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Changed out the soil today and found this in all three. They put so much energy into the roots early on, the tap root is easily twice the mass of the above ground trunk.

blue oak taproot 21Dec24.jpg
Been looking for a mugo pine for the last several months since reading about the master, Vance Wood. Today needed a screw to fix my mailbox and decided to look at the garden area. The big box store marked down all of their holiday trees and I found what I have been looking for, mugo pine. So I bought 3, $7.50 each. The one on the left needles are less than 1/2 the length of the other two. Do they get that much variation? Now to read more Vance Wood writings.IMG_1016.jpeg
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