Godlessness is the root of dishonor, dishonesty, profane living, all that is sin. It is the greatest social evil.
This is what happens when people/nations turn back on God.
Oh dear! Allahu akbar and the like. Mind you, it's the first time I got a phone call from Jehova's witnesses last week ! BULLSHIT !
I don't believe in any god.
I've never stolen anything (this is true !).
I've never raped a woman.
It's not about "god" or any imaginary fairies or else, it's a matter of education and social upbringing : yes, some people are bad, and the more they have lived in broken homes, be discriminated, etc;, the more they are likely to be "anti-social". It's not an excuse, it's a fact.
Here, people who steal bonsai are probably not the "lumpn proletariat", they're just bandits, people who have no values but money, greed, guns to make their views the reference.
People don't need to create a god to be honest and friendly. When I see how the bigots in Texas bring back women to the middle ages, I... But that's another story.
OK, "potawomi13", pray, pray, pray, put your head in the sand and wait for a miracle...
Others will act.
But who you're jiving with your cosmic debris ?