Thoughts on this tree?


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Los Angeles, California
Hi, I was considering purchasing this tree. Not sure if it is worth the price tag but please let me know your thoughts. Asking price is $800 usd .

What do these larger trunk elms go for price wise? Don’t see them often for sale


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I would say this tree is worth that price.
I would consider it if I were looking for a big elm and saw it.
Hi, I was considering purchasing this tree. Not sure if it is worth the price tag but please let me know your thoughts. Asking price is $800 usd .

What do these larger trunk elms go for price wise? Don’t see them often for sale
I'd say $800 is the high end.

Although it has a decent trunk with some movement, some of the details would give me pause in paying that.

The tree looks to not have been repotted for some time--slime mold on the soil surface is a tell tale sign of slow drainage and possible root issues that aren't yet apparent.

Additionally, for that money, this tree is not very well ramified with rudimentary pom pom like foliage pads. The stringy Nebari needs a lot of work as well.

To top it off, what's up with the chipped pot? I mean for the money, there should be an undamaged pot underneath the tree. Don't get me wrong. The current pot is nice, but it's damaged.

With all that, $500 might be more in line...just sayin'
Chinese elms are readily available as pre-bonsai stock in large sizes. You could even probably find landscape trees near you to air layer a trunk that size and result in better nebari. Just a matter of how much time you want to spend. Agree with Rock on the price. If you like the tree, make the seller an offer.
I wouldn’t pay more than 400 including shipping for it, looks like one of Fred Jansens old elms. Can’t remember the name of his company… anyway, it’s just a large trunk, with little refinement or outstanding attributes. You could grow a trunk like that in ground in a few years from a small start with better proportions. You are in a hotbed area for Bonsai, so you should get more for 800.
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