@sorce ... What is it...with the F bomb being so desirable? Social media is using it so fluently now. Is it considered a top slang/filler word?
Meaning no disrespect...felt you might offer me a sound answer.
My opinion would be our "wonderful president".
Rude behavior is also subconsciously more generally accepted now.
Me. ...
You know I don't like guns. But I believe we should keep em because if we need to defend our constitution against brainwashed soldiers, or worse, robots, Damn Right We need our Arms!
And for fuck!lol sake. To defend our own families and if we must, after a disaster of some sort, shoot us a critter to eat....or critters say, if it is then one man to provide for a group of people. I would hope to god in that case he HAS an AR-13 or an Ak or something with enough capacity to be able to shoot an entire herd of animals if necessary. ( thinking otherwise is saying 'I dont believe Katrina really happened')
Oh. But anyway!
Just as those arms can be used poorly in the wrong hands. .
Words are just as powerful.
I wield my words with a deep respect and understanding of their power.
But I also understand that words are absolutely powerless.
The reason I don't care what language people use.......
If I am in a room of Japanese people saying fuck shit Bitch in Japanese....
I will not be offended because I will not understand it. And with no offense, I will be at default loving these Humans because they are humans!
So to not love someone because of the language they use.....just because you can understand it....
Becomes quite the foolish reason for hate and/or negative vibes of any sort!
A World in Love is Us All Loving the World!