Terra Cotta: My musings on...and resulting actions with.

HAHAHA!! This is the LOWEST, reasonable “blowing flame”..

I could go SO much faster... but less flame seems like it wouldn’t..”blow”..

we’re at 1200(or so now)... the rise has slowed noticeably. I will do half-hour checks for a while.


How WOULD one.. “slow down”... less dragon-breath?
To go slower in the beginning, you gotta be less efficient. Open the damper more.

We shall have a celebration tomorrow!

To go slower in the beginning, you gotta be less efficient. Open the damper more.

We shall have a celebration tomorrow!

Alright, understood!

Does it reach a point were COMPLETE removal of the baffle is necessary. (Not for this fire, probably, just asking for my future cone 6 work)
Alright, understood!

Does it reach a point were COMPLETE removal of the baffle is necessary. (Not for this fire, probably, just asking for my future cone 6 work)

We spoke about it briefly, I was blowing too hard and had to keep the damper full open. But slow and low and you can leave it closeder.


We spoke about it briefly, I was blowing too hard and had to keep the damper full open. But slow and low and you can leave it closeder.


Ok.. that’s how i’ve been operating it.. It seemed like I would never even need it HALF open! 🤣

like THIS... is “wide open” 😆D2E3A780-26C5-4AF2-8CBB-0C90BEE00416.jpeg
I’m at 1807 now.. cones are toast,.. just a liiiiiil longer. 🤓
I’m sitting here waiting
Drinking my coffee
The anticipation...
Your enthusiasm got me exited.
now I definitely need another pit fire soon.
But no time to collect clay.
I am almost out of my blend of bought and collected clay. Maybe enough left for some small stuff.
that stuff looks really cool!
That’s your own collected clay?
I like the color & texture of your fired clay — makes me think of cornbread baked in a cast iron skillet, though — guess I better put corn meal on the shopping list!
Agreed! Much more yellow than I was expecting!

Corn Meal is great.. always makes me think of catfish!
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