So anyone concerned with the lack of winter this year?

I lost a nursery stock gardinia that was in the greenhouse last week. It was nice and toasty and then we had an 18° day. All the leaves are crispy and I don't think it will make it. My azalea and boxwood didn't mind and are back to growing.
I keep my Gardenias inside and they thank me by blooming sporadically all winter.
I keep trying to figure out my gardinias/azaleas. All of the things I read are opposite. Inside, outside, wet, dry, sunny, shade. I love them but I haven't figured out how to make them thrive. I just have nursery stock azaleas, I am not sure how that is different from satsuki.
I keep trying to figure out my gardinias/azaleas. All of the things I read are opposite. Inside, outside, wet, dry, sunny, shade. I love them but I haven't figured out how to make them thrive. I just have nursery stock azaleas, I am not sure how that is different from satsuki.
I have tried to grow Gardenias for years because they were my mom's favorite. I never succeeded. I tried one more time with some braided ones from Lowes a couple of years ago and I don't know what the secret sauce was but I finally succeeded and they thrive inside close to the lights for the winter and in the sun in the summer. They are not bonsai. I do have one bonsai Gardenia and it is alive but not doing as well as the patio plants. My Satsuki's are in the an unheated, detached garage. Interestingly, last year I bought an unnamed azalea at Wal-mart around Valentine's day. There were four plants in the pot. I separated them in the late spring and they rebloomed in July. As an experiment, I put two in the garage and kept two inside under the lights. The two in the garage are alive but don't look great. The two under the lights are doing great and both are about to bloom. Maybe just a fluke but I didn't know how hardy they were. Pure experimentation and luck on my part.
One of my JMs seems to be stirring. I panicked and repotted/root pruned. And the shuffle begins.


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Spring is definitely here for me, though I did get a lot of damage and possibly one death from the record-breaking cold back in December. I moved my Mediterranean species in for one week just to be safe, but I left a California live oak outside... and it is not looking good. Sad that it made it through two winters without issue... but 7 degrees F may have been too much.
Since bringing the trees into winter protection, the struggle has definitely been more about keeping them cold enough, rather than warm enough. It’s been a mild winter in WI(other than 2 short episodes of absurd cold) but having an insulated space with heaters definitely have made it easier. According to the thermostats, they’ve averaged around mid 30s with a few short(couple hours) spikes above 40 so I’ve been happy with it!

View attachment 473324
How did you get that incredibly detailed temperature chart?
This will be the week for us to really welcome Spring. Low will be in the 60s and high will be 80s. Starting to do some repotting...
It’s the Govee app that’s used with their sensors. I placed a couple in the insulated space and one outside so that I can overlay the charts. The app gives relative humidity as well

Very cool, may have to pick up some of those!

Are you using automatic heater?
Since bringing the trees into winter protection, the struggle has definitely been more about keeping them cold enough, rather than warm enough. It’s been a mild winter in WI(other than 2 short episodes of absurd cold) but having an insulated space with heaters definitely have made it easier. According to the thermostats, they’ve averaged around mid 30s with a few short(couple hours) spikes above 40 so I’ve been happy with it!

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I miss the Milwaukee temps. Looks down right tropical 🌴
Very cool, may have to pick up some of those!

Are you using automatic heater?
One thing I didn’t expect was how traditional thermostats do not go under 41F. Going to do some digging this year for a solution(for next winter) but for this winter, I just installed some smart thermostats that alert me when it hits 34F so I can manually turn it on via an app regardless of where Im at. Coupled with wifi garage door openers, I’ve been able to modulate the temps(for the most part) remotely!
Get out of there @Flowerhouse, save yourself!😉
LOL If I get out now I have to leave all my outdoor trees behind. They are locked under a layer of snow and ice on the north side of my house.
My husband tells me that the local Facebook group is full of warnings (from citizens, not authorities) to stock up on food and medicine. Sounds extreme to me. If I had
Here's our updated forecast:
LOL If I get out now I have to leave all my outdoor trees behind. They are locked under a layer of snow and ice on the north side of my house.
My husband tells me that the local Facebook group is full of warnings (from citizens, not authorities) to stock up on food and medicine. Sounds extreme to me. If I had
Here's our updated forecast:
View attachment 473574
You are a much braver woman than me, I hope things don't get that bad for you.
Spring is definitely here for me, though I did get a lot of damage and possibly one death from the record-breaking cold back in December. I moved my Mediterranean species in for one week just to be safe, but I left a California live oak outside... and it is not looking good. Sad that it made it through two winters without issue... but 7 degrees F may have been too much.
This is the earliest spring I can remember and Ive lived here 40 years. But… winter isn’t done with us yet. This is going to be one of those years where we get a hard freeze again that kills all the blooms and buds. I’ve seen it time and time again. I swear charlotte’s weather smokes crack. 🤣
LOL If I get out now I have to leave all my outdoor trees behind. They are locked under a layer of snow and ice on the north side of my house.
My husband tells me that the local Facebook group is full of warnings (from citizens, not authorities) to stock up on food and medicine. Sounds extreme to me. If I had
Here's our updated forecast:
View attachment 473574
Around here, that forecast is a major winter storm. We have had our main 3 lane highway shut down and people stranded in their cars during such a storm. One winter where we got 2 feet from a storm. Wecare one ofvthe last areas to get plowed and they didn't get to plowing our road for 2 days and we were snowed in.
Around here, that forecast is a major winter storm.
Where are you seeing that? I know its a long island, but on the south shore there's no snow predicted in the next 10 days.
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