So anyone concerned with the lack of winter this year?

When doing the bonsai 2-step, can the trees be brought into a heated environment for the evenings? I could bring my trees into a room attached to the heated house. With the radiator shut off and window cracked, it's considerably warmer than outside, but not 70 degrees like the rest of the house. Like this, evening temps for the tree would be higher than day time temps.

Moving them into an unheated garage would be better
Concerned but it's my 1st winter and don't really want to lose this raw material. Also, wish it got a little colder before the buds started popping just to put some things through a tougher test as I don't really want to do more than heel and group each winter, no garage and limiting the garden space to a U shape to accommodate a fire pit I barely use...might invest in some frost blankets or burlap eventually as I get more florals and maybe a couple fruit trees?
When doing the bonsai 2-step, can the trees be brought into a heated environment for the evenings? I could bring my trees into a room attached to the heated house. With the radiator shut off and window cracked, it's considerably warmer than outside, but not 70 degrees like the rest of the house. Like this, evening temps for the tree would be higher than day time temps.
As long as it stays above 30 or so outside don't bring them in. As said more warmth at the roots, more growth you will get. As cold as possible for as long as possible. When it's this warm for this long, it becomes a trade off. Always choose the coldest option.
Concerned but it's my 1st winter and don't really want to lose this raw material. Also, wish it got a little colder before the buds started popping just to put some things through a tougher test as I don't really want to do more than heel and group each winter, no garage and limiting the garden space to a U shape to accommodate a fire pit I barely use...might invest in some frost blankets or burlap eventually as I get more florals and maybe a couple fruit trees?
in 7B you should not have to really worry about frost, assuming you have hardy species.
in 7B you should not have to really worry about frost, assuming you have hardy specietrees are from local garden centers so I believe for the most part they're acclimated to the area
Everything is local nursery finds so far so thinking mostly acclimated to the area
I don't know what you're talking about.

Here is mine for comparison


Its 63 degrees at 9AM in FEBRUARY for crying out loud
It was 60 degrees on Friday, in the 50s Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and yesterday.

Its supposed to be in the 30s with 6 inches to a foot of snow on the ground, not in the 50s and 60s for days
Gosh we really are a sad lot; probably some of the only people dismayed by this warm winter 😂

I dont consider being concerned for my trees that I spent lots of time and money on to be sad.
Those of us getting May weather in February will lose trees if January shows up in March
Yep. Rain for the last couple of days here in Minnesota. However, 2 weeks ago we had a solid week of single digits.
🤷 on the bright side, I may be able to successfully keep Japanese maples here in the near future. 🤣
Living just east of you in Hudson! At least it didn’t get to -30 this year at my house. I’m trying some maples in the ground to thicken up. But with lots of protection. What trees do you like to grow in our climate?
Living just east of you in Hudson! At least it didn’t get to -30 this year at my house. I’m trying some maples in the ground to thicken up. But with lots of protection. What trees do you like to grow in our climate?
Well I’m about 4+ years at this, and I’ve been trying to grow trees that grow around here more!
Tamarack, spruce, junipers, boxwood, Thuja, pine.
Viburnum, forsythia, maples, sumac, oak, cotoneaster, buckthorn, willow, ….

These are the plants that I have had best success with.
I grew up in Stillwater, and live in St. Paul now. so yeah, hello neighbor!
Well I’m about 4+ years at this, and I’ve been trying to grow trees that grow around here more!
Tamarack, spruce, junipers, boxwood, Thuja, pine.
Viburnum, forsythia, maples, sumac, oak, cotoneaster, buckthorn, willow, ….

These are the plants that I have had best success with.
I grew up in Stillwater, and live in St. Paul now. so yeah, hello neighbor!
I agree with you. I’m going to try growing more North American species of trees. Trying to get more in the ground so that 5,10,15 years from now I can start to bonsai. Did you find the Tamarack growing in MN to collect or did you purchase it? I’d like to start one and I’m also ordering some pitch pine seeding this spring.
Winter was extremely mild here, as well.

Except for that Siberian airstorm, we've only reached Sub-Zero a small handful of times. Even the Blizzard was 'warm'.

But it seems like our cold, here is already on it's way out...

And THAT is pretty unusual.

(EDIT: my phone auto-capitalized "Sub-Zero".. like Mortal Kombat!! 🤣🤣🤣

Damn Lin Kwei!)
My koto-hime Japanese maple had the first leaflets emerging yesterday - Feb 15th. Last year this happened with the same tree on about March 10th in my climate. It's outside and in the shade too...this is not a greenhouse phenomenon.
We had the triple combination of a cold November, cold December, warm February. I think most of my trees will pop buds next week.
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