Shut the whole damn country down!

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“The media” aren’t those counting the dead. That’s done by the medical community. Reporting on the weather has nothing to do with counting dead people, nor identifying the cause of death. I agree that the media over do lots of things, but that doesn’t also mean all things reported by the media are equally overdone. Your logic is not sound and your conclusions are not valid.
Then you are a fellow traveler of the media, or worse one of the sheep. How well does the media report the deaths in China? They investigate and parse every syllable out of some people's mouth, and mouth every syllable that comes out of other sources. There's an equivalence problem here.
I love how nowadays everything gets blamed on a conspiracy theory, especially on the right.

Always a conspiracy, or a leftist plot. Or the media, then watch fox news which their highest rated shows arent actually news.

The best part about conspiracy theories, is they disprove themselves when looked at objectively.
Curious about all the conspiracy theories? I listen to a podcast called No Agenda, on Thursdays podcast they spent the first hour going over about five or six of the best ones. Although they are all conspiracy theories, they all have interchangeable aspects except for the Q conspiracy, that ones just crazy.
You've got to be kidding. The media will do anything for eyeballs, including lying, cheating, stealing, and any other nefarious motive known to mankind. The sell the weather everyday. It's always reported more spectacular than it turns out to be. Pay attention for a week and you'll see they never, ever just state the facts of the weather. Then extrapolate to more intense news and pay attention to one single item and watch how they sell it, hard, every minute of the day. Eyeballs equals money equals salaries. Anything for a buck.
This is true and the other side of coin is that no governing body would ever shut down a city without a REAL and PRESENT DANGER. They are not getting their data from the media.
Curious about all the conspiracy theories? I listen to a podcast called No Agenda, on Thursdays podcast they spent the first hour going over about five or six of the best ones. Although they are all conspiracy theories, they all have interchangeable aspects except for the Q conspiracy, that ones just crazy.

Thanks for the idea, but the only value conspiracy theories have for me is a little laugh now and again that people actually believe any of it.

Edit: unless they are going over how easily disproven they are, then I might get a kick out of that.

The only “real” conspiracy to me, is that fox news has any type of “liberal equivalent” like CNN or whatever. Fox news Opinion shows is straight up facist propaganda.
Conspiracy theories are the only way to keep the right wing afloat. Because on the face of it’s so unbelievable.
What conspiracy are you referring to? The left wing media? They don't need to collude, they think alike and act upon their own, albeit same, interests, in an alike fashion. They don't need to "collude" any more than the right, or the Germans, or the Brits, or fish, or insects, or any other free group in society or the world. We all act in our own best interests. Surprise, surprise!
All the anti-socialists will be the first inline at the check cashing place with that stimulus check though.
Will you be in that line? Or are you better than the rabble?
What conspiracy are you referring to? The left wing media? They don't need to collude, they think alike and act upon their own, albeit same, interests, in an alike fashion. They don't need to "collude" any more than the right, or the Germans, or the Brits, or fish, or insects, or any other free group in society or the world. We all act in our own best interests. Surprise, surprise!

I was thinking more along the lines of pizza gate, the deep state, Q etc.
Will you be in that line? Or are you better than the rabble?

Im not better than anyone. But I have made smart monetary decisions, and would be fine without 1200$ for the government. I am not sure I am even eligible based on my income. I wont go seeking it out or applying for it for sure. But if one ends up in my mail box, who am I to turn it down 😉
The Deep State exists, and is an even better example of a group with like interests that acts to subvert the public will. When the voters choose a new leader they have a right to expect that the ensuing direction of the government, of the people, by the people and for the people, will be reflected in the way the government operates, prioritizes, spends, etc. The shame brought upon the FBI and the whole Justice Dept. is real. The simple fact that there have been essentially no whistle-blowers revealing where the skeletons are closeted tells me that the rot is deep, wide, and pervasive in the whole FBI. Nearly everyone in the agency has a law degree, and yet they skirt the law. If that doesn't tell you something bad about people left to their own devices with the unlimited power of state in their grasp, then nothing will. "...They came for the Jews, but I wasn't a Jew, and did nothing. Then they came for me..."
What conspiracy are you referring to? The left wing media? They don't need to collude, they think alike and act upon their own, albeit same, interests, in an alike fashion. They don't need to "collude" any more than the right, or the Germans, or the Brits, or fish, or insects, or any other free group in society or the world. We all act in our own best interests. Surprise, surprise!
I didn’t need media to tell me Trump was Colluding with Russia. I knew from the first weeks that he was in office and kissing Putin’s ass. So transparent.

Right wing media = Fox News and right wing talk radio bought and paid directly from Republican donors.
“Left wing media “= All other news programs and public radio.
I only listen to public radio. But usually I don’t need and media to watch trump and see right through his charade.
I didn’t need media to tell me Trump was Colluding with Russia. I knew from the first weeks that he was in office and kissing Putin’s ass. So transparent.

Right wing media = Fox News and right wing talk radio bought and paid directly from Republican donors.
“Left wing media “= All other news programs and public radio.
I only listen to public radio. But usually I don’t need and media to watch trump and see right through his charade.
No, Hillary lost because she didn't get enough votes/electors. Better luck next time. By-the-way, do you have any insight into who will install Trump in 2020? I understand the Falklanders want a big hotel and golf course and are willing to "do whatever it takes". Eh?
Then you are a fellow traveler of the media, or worse one of the sheep. How well does the media report the deaths in China? They investigate and parse every syllable out of some people's mouth, and mouth every syllable that comes out of other sources. There's an equivalence problem here.
Fellow traveler for sure, but also objective thinker. I don't see this as a right vs. left issue, either. Just smart vs. not-smart. I believe China is under reporting the tail end of things to try and save face with the world community. But China is not the only country providing evidence of the magnitude of this virus if left unchecked. Spain, Italy, and now New York. I could reach some objective conclusions that what is reported is not entirely accurate if China alone were reporting numbers, but they aren't. The world-wide medical community are united in their view on this issue. Even if I chose to cast statistics aside, there's plenty of other evidence showing this is a very large problem that will not go away quickly. The only way to minimize deaths in every one of our own communities is to be good world, and local citizens and socially distance ourselves, wash hands, cover our faces, etc.
2017-2018 flu season in the US:
44 million suspected cases
20 million visited a doctor
800,000 hospitalized
60,000 dead

4.4 million suspected coronavirus cases
2 million coronavirus doctors visits
80,000 coronavirus hospitalizations
6,000 coronavirus deaths

What were the media, government, and public’s reactions to that flu season? Do you even remember it? Why wasn’t it newsworthy?
Let's revisit these numbers in December... Oh, and you need to update your stats a little... 1331 Americans died from Covid YESTERDAY... we are up to almost 8500 dead and that will con't upwards for at least a few more weeks before it starts to go down. Well, it will in most places... let's see what happens in those states with no mandated social distancing, or the ones that came late to the dance. Ultimately, the numbers will tell who was right and who wasn't.
If capitalism is the be-all end-all of economic systems, why does capitalism need socialism to bail it out once a decade?

If socialism is, then why does it need the profit and efficiency from capitalism to have money to spend?

Neither system by themselves generate optimal outcomes. Government intervention is needed at times, unfortunately most of our politicians are lawyers by trade and yet they're tasked with making economic decisions and they don't understand when that intervention should and should not happen. Government intervention is needed with there are unmitigated negative externalities from economic activities. Air pollution is an easy example. It's easier to have higher profit with fewer mitigations on tailpipes and other sources of emission. Yet air pollution is bad for our health and increases health care costs. In an optimized model, those costs would be borne by those that create them. Since the economy by itself doesn't place those costs on the source of them, the government has to intervene to fix that gap. But there are many cases where the government fails to either remove regulations that are no longer needed, or quite frankly just totally miss the mark (really Ms. Pelosi... $25 million for the Kennedy Center? What negative externality is that fixing? The answer - none).
Let's revisit these numbers in December... Oh, and you need to update your stats a little... 1331 Americans died from Covid YESTERDAY... we are up to almost 8500 dead and that will con't upwards for at least a few more weeks before it starts to go down. Well, it will in most places... let's see what happens in those states with no mandated social distancing, or the ones that came late to the dance. Ultimately, the numbers will tell who was right and who wasn't.
Numbers won’t really make anyone right or wrong in the eyes of some. Because if we are able to drastically save lives with our actions people will create this false statistic memes.
There is no number for all the people who didn’t die.
2017-2018 flu season in the US:
44 million suspected cases
20 million visited a doctor
800,000 hospitalized
60,000 dead

4.4 million suspected coronavirus cases
2 million coronavirus doctors visits
80,000 coronavirus hospitalizations
6,000 coronavirus deaths

What were the media, government, and public’s reactions to that flu season? Do you even remember it? Why wasn’t it newsworthy?
Also do you think the tested all the dead for the flu that year? 😉
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