Potential World Class Tree? #2

Potential World Class?

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I wish to be able to retire someday so I'd rather keep my money in the bank working toward that bigger goal. Owning world class material or even potential material isn't in the cards unless I win a multi million dollar jackpot. Even then, I don't know if I'd want the stress of keeping it alive.
If I won a multi million dollar jackpot it would be on!
I have admired many a tree of several members here. They have done some amazing things...dream material I would love having sit on my bench...they happen to be humble...which isn't a bad fault to have. Why do they need to say anything when their trees say it all.

I disagree that many feel its an unattainable pipe dream...they be humble and their trees stand with no needed words to say so. Most who feel otherwise are wet behind the ears but will get there one day. But like myself am honest. But...I doubt I can afford the bones of a tree with "World Class Potential"...Because it would have to have the clouds part and angels sing when my eyes fell on it. But then,I'm easy to please...I'm not after the notoriety of such a tree. But just want to have trees that make me happy. I'm excited to improve on my journey...but I wish to have my feet on the ground.
You doing what you are doing is fine... there is not one person including myself that said otherwise. I have no problem with people like yourself who might just be in it for just the fun of doing trees. I understand fully your thoughts, I have said I have in the past. For some this is all bonsai will ever be, and what could be better than that! Bonsai is an awesome thing!

Now, as far as the humble part... I think you and some of the others are mistaking what constitutes ego, with the reality of determination and drive. I have never said I was some great artist whose work is some all encompassing thing. This is a mistake on your part and some of the others...

I have routinely posted up threads regarding how to do different procedures in bonsai, I have posted up countless threads and a photos, even though I have had to have folks tell me that I don't contribute to this site, of how to put a lot of these practices into working on a tree. Just about everything I post, has to do with this, showing folks that this is not some un obtainable dream, that in fact they can do this work as well. I am constantly suggesting folks do these things, I get so much BS over telling folks to go out and get a piece of crap and do it! That they will be better for it... that practice makes perfect. I post up this crap, and get told all the time why am I bothering, and have folks telling me that I am not good at bonsai and will never be good at bonsai because of it. I just don't get it? I mean if I had the all encompassing ego that you and others say I have, why in the hell would I bother?

I am not trying to insult you here, just asking a serious question?

I have folks telling me I have an ego, because I am always posting up pictures of trees that I work on, that because I post so much, I am just seeking attention... which confuses the hell out of me, because on the one point I am not contributing enough and on the other hand I am contributing to much? I work on alot of material, I am not bragging, I just do, because this I feel is the best way for one to get better at something, to constantly be doing... I post it up when I can, so others will see what I am doing, which I thought was the whole point of this forum? To share and get inspired by what others share... to discuss what we are doing and what others are doing.

I am often proud of the work I do, is this a bad thing? I don't think it is, I think one should be proud of the work that they do... I think every time one does work, they should try and go in a direction they have not gone before, that they should try something new, in the hopes that they might learn something new. I try to do this with every piece of material I work on, this is why I am proud... not because the tree is good, but because I learned something new. I have routinely told folks there is no shame in posting up a crappy tree if the work done on it is top notch. Yes, when folks are starting off, often this work may not be this, but each time they touch a tree, hopefully the work they do will be better than the work they did before and they should be proud of that, as I am.

I have never once said that any of my trees are good trees and I did not with any of the conversation within the two threads I posted regarding World Class trees... this is just an assumption on others behalf. The only comments made were regarding how things could be changed. I have said this repeatedly... and how I felt others were missing the point. If one did not like something, then there would be nothing stopping them from changing it if this was their tree. That the things mentioned could easily for the most part be done. Can anyone reading this actually tell me where I once stated or defended anything on this tree and said it was good? I did not... if anything other than the reasoning I listed above, I might have stayed my opinion for doing something, so I could explain that there was some logic behind what I was doing... that it was not a case of just because. However, I never once said that my logic was correct, or that one had to believe what I was saying was the case, and they had to even believe or not believe what I this logic was behind my thinking.

Again, I have never once said any of my work was good, I am repeating this I know... this is others misunderstanding. I am constantly reworking and rethinking everything I do, because I know it can be better. I as an Artist, am my worst critic, and I have taught myself to be so over the years, because I know I can always do better. So, I see the flaws even when others see none. I have always let my Art speak for itself... yet have a will continue to ask why if someone critiques my work, because this is how we learn. An I don't like something, or a comment regarding wishful thinking, does no one any good without the slightest bit of explanation why. And I think it is fair to ask, why? By one doing so, I don't feel one is questioning others views in a negative way, unless of course these views were meant to be derogatory.

So, then in your eyes, and I am sure others I am not being humble. Yet, you never met me, don't really know a thing about me, can't understand why I post what I do, and for what reason. You don't know the amount of crap I have had to take from folks here, way before you showed up, and since you have showed up, all the hateful responses, the PM's, the ignores form Greg asking him to do something about it and him telling me I deserved it... the being kicked off of this site because I didn't feel it was right to have folks calling people nigger and muzzie lover, on a bonsai site. The ganging up of folks who are upset because I did not just I guess kiss their butt and agree with them, and because I didn't make a PDF file I didn't know what I was talking about, so I must be wrong, and them only taking the time to comment on my post when they are trying to insult, or as in the case of this thread, posting "No" in the questionaire just because... Funny, how they never have the time for anything positive?

So, seeing this is a sticking point with you and others, perhaps we can deal with it once and for all, so we can get back to discussing Bonsai? I am not leaving, I am not going to change my feelings of how Bonsai should be done, I am not going to stop posting up threads trying to help people, or questioning what we all are doing. I am trying to be positive and even put folks on my ignore list just because I don't want to fight with people, I am tired of it. I think we all can come and discuss bonsai, and agree sometimes to disagree. I don't hold any bad feelings toward anyone here, never had... I totally get that a lot of this just has to do with this site. And has been past down from the beginning along the way. I do not ask that folks reply to my posts who don't like me, and I certainly don't ask that they come and comment with derogatory remarks... in fact I would rather they just not comment and keep their feelings to themselves, this is why I put them on the ignore list and even said with the closing of my opening post to this thread, that it was open to all, even if they disliked the tree, I just asked that they give reasoning behind, and "play fair"... Yet still, I have to have confrontations with people. Why?
I am more than happy to just stay on my own corner of the site, and I don't go to others threads and comment about how they need to be more humble. So, what gives, don't like what I post, don't read it, and ignore me, I am more than content with that... but, why come and try to antagonize me, when I am not doing that to you and want to be just left alone? No one is forcing you to come to my posts and comment. If you are interested in what I am doing, and want to seriously talk, cool! I would love to share! Even if you don't like me... I still think we can come and talk bonsai! I don't know how much more humble I can be?
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Right on Stacy!
What you are doing with trees and posting it here for everyone to learn is one of the reasons I think you are one of the most talented members here. Way more than I. By far.
I for one would miss your posts and am glad you aren't going anywhere. Keep it up.
I'm sorry...I was not meaning to insult you...but to say I feel there are many with amazing talent. I'm sure they know what they bring to the table...but are modest. I'm not here to judge you...or the next person. But feel many weren't given credit to what they bring to the forum,that's all...I also stated I get you enjoy working crap material, the joy it brings mentioned earlier...but we all roll to the beat of our own drum. Not knocking you...but saying we all have something that fuels us. You have a passion for working with crap material. It comes across possibly as ego when you word it the way that you do. If many are reading your passion that way...it might be they feel your classifying them in ones who feel their material is crap. ?

I have no control over the next person does or says...but, maybe they feel slighted at how you word things since they do have talent. Who knows...can't speak for others. I am sorry I didn't read all your words. But seen I upset you. I'm getting off the computer because I have a headache.

I once was a mighty defender of you way back...you might not recall that. But...I feel your recent posts were schooling ones who didn't need schooled...Mr.Pall for one. He has good points...you jumped on his thread with your passion that brings you joy. Is he wrong in the advice given? No, I feel it's good advice...but if it doesn't feed you. Then you do what does...that feeds your passion. But...I wish you didn't feel you had to justify what brings out your passion. Which has been the feel of recent threads. Do it...don't feel you need to justify it. Share it if you want...just enjoy your passion I see no reason you need to justify it though.

I will continue doing what brings me joy...you do the same. ;)
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