Peter Warren Japanese Black Pine

Looks really good! The soil looks fresh too. Did you repot as well? If you didn't, how do you keep the soil so clean?
No repot, but every so often, I replace the top 1/2” of soil and aerate the rest. Especially with some of these trees that get invaded with Irish moss and oxalis.
New video up…pretty sure I didn’t miss my calling to be in front of a camera.😂
I don’t know Brian. I thought the video was about as helpful and informative as it could get. The information was concise and well spoken. Great backdrop where we could see the entire tree and work being done. Loved the closeup and text portion at the beginning. Only critique I’d have would be the parts where your doing the work. Maybe the film speed could have been sped up to shorten the video a tad and get to the money shots and information? That’s being nit picky though. A ten minute video is a great length.
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New video up…pretty sure I didn’t miss my calling to be in front of a camera.😂
Great video! Everyone here on the forum that is confused about candle cutting on two-flush pines should see this video.
I hope to see more video tutorials like this from you in the future.
Great thread, tree and video
I have always appreciated the 'that looks like a big tree' kind of bonsai, this is the first tree I have seen that has impressed me by fooling my eyes to believe it could be not just small but tiny and then when there is some scale you see how big it really is!
The upper 1/3 is really flawed, and it is painfully obvious when you look at it in person, from any angle but front on.
Several failed graft attempts and a big pruning scar left precious little space to try again, so 6 more years is the plan.
And now every time I scroll back through this entire thread, the freaky clown on page 5 can scare the crap out of me.:eek:
I'm curious, do you still feel this way about the tree? It looks like it's come a long way but the quoted comment was made just over 3 and a half years ago, so still a far cry from your 6 year estimate.

I'm also wondering how much you think you would have been able to sell a tree like this for back when Bjorn was encouraging you to sell it, considering the stage it was at then.
Was hoping for a syrupy southern drawl or some intelligible Coach Bryant mumbling with an occasional "stud" thrown in. Nope, easily understandable.

Tree looks nice and good to see your staying thin and not on a rollercoaster with your fitness.
I'm curious, do you still feel this way about the tree? It looks like it's come a long way but the quoted comment was made just over 3 and a half years ago, so still a far cry from your 6 year estimate.

I'm also wondering how much you think you would have been able to sell a tree like this for back when Bjorn was encouraging you to sell it, considering the stage it was at then.
Good question. Yes, the top is still a work-in-progress, and you can see a bare spot on the upper right side when the tree is turned clockwise from the front. It has improved considerably, but it’s still a few years way from looking good all the way around.

As to value then, no idea. Considering the time I had in it with both Peter and Bjorn, I was definitely upside down.
Was hoping for a syrupy southern drawl or some intelligible Coach Bryant mumbling with an occasional "stud" thrown in. Nope, easily understandable.

Tree looks nice and good to see your staying thin and not on a rollercoaster with your fitness.
Ha, thanks. Trying to keep it clear for the camera.😂. Should have managed a Roll Tide though…
Been fortunate to maintain a steady routine of good food and exercise, and haven’t fluctuated more than a few pounds up or down in 2.5 years.
I think you're doing good on tape Brian! Way more methodological than most professionals I watch on youtube. And yes, that's a compliment!
The only advice I have is to check the auto focus on your camera and maybe set it to be a little less aggressive. If you speak with hand gestures - which is a good thing - then the camera tends to search for new focal points. If you have your camera set on a fixed location, there's usually no need for auto focus.
An update shot. The new growth is still very small, due to wiring this spring and being very pot-bound. It looks pretty good, but will need to hurry up and harden off before the cold weather hits.
Brian, it looks great!

I wonder, though…. And I’m sure you have too…. About the lowest branch on the left. It’s on the back side, at least that’s the way it appears. It is about the same height as the primary branch on the right. Which makes the Silohette of the canopy symmetrical, or nearly so. It appears that you are pulling it around from the back towards the front? When I place my thumb over the picture to block it out, I like the dynamic image I see better. To me, it makes the tree “feel” taller, and accentuates the beautiful curve of the trunk. I like the movement better without that branch.

But, that’s just me. I’d like to hear your thoughts on the matter. Removing that branch would be a drastic change, and I know if it were mine, I’d be hesitant to do it! LOL!!! (It’s always easier to advise someone else to do something drastic to their tree than it is to do it on your own tree!!! Lol!! I have a tree that I need to do something similar to, and I keep telling myself I need to do it, but I just haven’t been able to make myself do it! LOL!!!)

I’m sure you have considered it, and I want to hear your thoughts on it. It is a great tree, and I’ve enjoyed following your progress with it over the years.
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