Peter Warren Japanese Black Pine

I think the downward angle of the photo distorts the appearance of the Silhouette. This is evidenced by the angle of the stand in the photo. Not sure I would consider the change suggested. But then I have not seen the tree in person. The picture in post #163 appears to be closer to eye level view. On the basis of the picture in post #163 I might consider bringing the back of the lower left pad down a bit more to create a bit more negative space, I suspect that is part of the consideration for the guy wires.
Love the depth that the lower branch brings to the composition.
I don’t know Brian. I thought the video was about as helpful and informative as it could get. The information was concise and well spoken. Great backdrop where we could see the entire tree and work being done. Loved the closeup and text portion at the beginning. Only critique I’d have would be the parts where your doing the work. Maybe the film speed could have been sped up to shorten the video a tad and get to the money shots and information? That’s being nit picky though. A ten minute video is a great length.
Really awesome video! Lots of good information. Thank you!
I'm assuming that's you Brian in the video?
Brian, it looks great!

I wonder, though…. And I’m sure you have too…. About the lowest branch on the left. It’s on the back side, at least that’s the way it appears. It is about the same height as the primary branch on the right. Which makes the Silohette of the canopy symmetrical, or nearly so. It appears that you are pulling it around from the back towards the front? When I place my thumb over the picture to block it out, I like the dynamic image I see better. To me, it makes the tree “feel” taller, and accentuates the beautiful curve of the trunk. I like the movement better without that branch.

But, that’s just me. I’d like to hear your thoughts on the matter. Removing that branch would be a drastic change, and I know if it were mine, I’d be hesitant to do it! LOL!!! (It’s always easier to advise someone else to do something drastic to their tree than it is to do it on your own tree!!! Lol!! I have a tree that I need to do something similar to, and I keep telling myself I need to do it, but I just haven’t been able to make myself do it! LOL!!!)

I’m sure you have considered it, and I want to hear your thoughts on it. It is a great tree, and I’ve enjoyed following your progress with it over the years.
Appreciate the comments Adair. I hadn’t considered it because it is a pretty big layer of foliage; mostly toward the 10:00 position, and like many photos it doesn’t really relay the full image. I do get what you’re saying, and just for fun, I blotted it out and I don’t think it works…yet. Maybe someday when the layer above it gets bigger it could be removed, and it would accentuate that curve in the trunk like you saw.

Interestingly, the direction Bjorn is wanting to take it actually extends that lowest left branch quite a bit more. I’m not quite seeing that yet either. I have noticed that my trees tend to be symmetrical (boring)…and I’m hoping to overcome that some, which will require some bold moves.
Appreciate the comments Adair. I hadn’t considered it because it is a pretty big layer of foliage; mostly toward the 10:00 position, and like many photos it doesn’t really relay the full image. I do get what you’re saying, and just for fun, I blotted it out and I don’t think it works…yet. Maybe someday when the layer above it gets bigger it could be removed, and it would accentuate that curve in the trunk like you saw.
View attachment 404836

Interestingly, the direction Bjorn is wanting to take it actually extends that lowest left branch quite a bit more. I’m not quite seeing that yet either. I have noticed that my trees tend to be symmetrical (boring)…and I’m hoping to overcome that some, which will require some bold moves.
View attachment 404846
You’re good with the virts! I hadn’t thought of Bjorn’s vision… that’s good, too!
That was his scribble😂
Gotcha! The trick with that one is it brings a branch from higher up and makes it the lowest pad of foliage. Hmm… maybe Bjorn has been taking classes from @Dav4? (I did see them hanging out together at the Nationals…)
Brian, thanks for the detailed progression! It was an educating read. If you still have the tree, I'd love to see an update.
Brian, thanks for the detailed progression! It was an educating read. If you still have the tree, I'd love to see an update.
Thanks, still have the tree and it’s doing great but I haven’t photographed it in a while. Hope to take it to Bjorn’s for one last round.
Here is an update; before and after needle-plucking, light pruning, and adding some wire to new growth that was floating up. I need to look back and see when it was repotted last. I’ll avoid it if I can this spring.
Here is an update; before and after needle-plucking, light pruning, and adding some wire to new growth that was floating up. I need to look back and see when it was repotted last. I’ll avoid it if I can this spring.
View attachment 530662View attachment 530663
Stunning! Did you grow out that branch like Bjorn suggested? It appears that you did, but I can’t 100% confirm/see it.
Love this one... new workspace looks to be coming along as well!(guilty of gawking at the pots in the background)
Thanks. That photo is actually at Bjorn’s place, so it could all be yours if you want to move to Nashville😂.

i've been thinking about the move south since I took a workshop with him years ago and told me how low the taxes are for that spot....😲

If he left some trees behind, i'd have the uhaul filled tonight lol
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