panda's bald cypress

It’s about 50/50 pumice and peat moss (regular old potting soil). It’s staying plenty wet and healthy, you can see the bursts of growth on the tips. The one that died was in pure potting soil.

I suspect the slow start was due to our spring being slow to start this year, but now that we’re getting warmer weather and plenty of sun, it’s doing great.
The picture of the very dry soil was during autopsy, a few weeks after it became clear that that one wasn’t alive any longer. Not sure if you were looking at that photo, or the other poster’s tree.
Am with Uncle C on newly collected BCs need to have potting soil and not bonsai soil. I killed 2 small ones last year for potting them up in coarse soil. The ones Uncle C and I collected (99% of the collection labor was Uncle C). The ones Uncle collected and potted are doing very well... and his soil I believe is just the regular potting soil.
I have been doing the same since I got both of mine. The first is very healthy and the second one has started to get some brown leaves. I just up-potted it into a similar tub as the first one and it took a few more quarts of organic soil. I suspect that is the issue with mine. Both get plenty of water during the week...

BC1 6-7-24.jpg
Sad about the tree, but looks like you upgraded. I want to echo the need for organic soil. I’m not a tree dunker, but my BC are in grow boxes in almost a 50/50 mix of bonsai jack and potting soil and it is heavily watered. Repotted a dawn redwood Into pure bonsai soil and am having a hard time keeping up with the watering (may need to resort to dunking for this one).
I wasn’t reading all the posts and was like how the heck did you grow the tree so well lol!

I agree with the potting soil. I had a declining nursery bc and removed almost all the roots an inch from the trunk. To my suprise it’s way healthier than it was last year. It was so inexpensive I wasn’t going to invest in getting it back to health because I thought it was almost futile. So recycled potting soil I used. Planning to get it into the ground next year now that I have more roots growing close to the trunk.

The second BC from Cajun is epic though! Will be cool to see the development.
All of mine are in potting soil and in tubs with the drain holes on the side or are sitting on saucers of water. I still get bronzing of foliage though.
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The bronzing is unavoidable when we get into the summer months unless you move the trees to where they only get morning sun til noon or at most 1 pm. The bronzing does not bother me when I know the tree is healthy and the leaves are still supple.
The bronzing is unavoidable when we get into the summer months unless you move the trees to where they only get morning sun til noon or at most 1 pm. The bronzing does not bother me when I know the tree is healthy and the leaves are still supple.
Like helicopter parents...
All of mine are in potting soil and in tubs with the drain holes on the side or are sitting on saucers of water. I still get bronzing of foliage though.
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How many do you have? Never mind, I came up with my own answer. Too many for me. :)
This tree has absolutely exploded as the summer cooled down and hasn’t slowed down as we enter fall. These pics are from August 19, just after our first rain in about 6 weeks at the time. You can tell that it has had a bit of a slow start based on how heavily clustered the grow is on the tips. Can’t wait to get to work on this tree in the spring.


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This tree has absolutely exploded as the summer cooled down and hasn’t slowed down as we enter fall. These pics are from August 19, just after our first rain in about 6 weeks at the time. You can tell that it has had a bit of a slow start based on how heavily clustered the grow is on the tips. Can’t wait to get to work on this tree in the spring.
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Looks great! Super fast growers for sure, really make you think ahead. Branches thicken up fast, and I got a good response from mine when I gave it afternoon shade. Congrats on the move and the new backyard options. :)
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