Alright, photo dump time cause I’ve not done a great job of keeping up with this thread.
Here’s my big tall hawthorn (
C. phaenpyrum, I’m pretty sure).
Most my deciduous have been slow to get going this year, this one included. I noticed that the spots that I didn’t cut back as hard or cut back to tiny side branches have not grown well. I believe that some of these tiny side branches are actually spurs, but I’m not sure how those work, much less how they work in bonsai cultivation.
An excellent escambron from
@Colorado . Very happy now that it’s outside.
And then several trees I got at the club auction.
Mountain hemlock designed by Carmen Leskoviansky. VERY excited about this one, as I have a place to go to study proper wiring in my garden now.
Kingsville boxwood penjing/saikei. I have big plans for this—think Zhao, white suiban and all.
and finally, a funky azalea raft, ‘Chinzan’. Currently it’s an air-layer and rebuild project.
Come to think of it, this really isn’t exhaustive, as I’ve got several starts kicking around, mostly young whips of various deciduous, a batch of Curtis’ JBP, a bunch of ponderosas from a club member…