Nursery Bald Cypress #1

Thoughts on what height to cut at?
I’m thinking this one finished between 18”-24” or so. First line at 12”, second 14”, third at 16”. Base is 3”.
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Thoughts on what height to cut at?
I’m thinking this one finished between 18”-24” or so. First line at 12”, second 14”, third at 16”. Base is 3”.
Take this with a grain of salt...

If your base is only 3", and you chop it now to start ramification you will have a 3.5-4" base and a 12" section of trunk that is 3"... IMO that is a stick on a pot. A 3" base on a BC would fit a shohin size tree. Let that sucker grow, unless that is your vision for the tree. If that's it, then chop away, at 12"...
All of your planned chops are too high, even the 12" one. I'd chop at ten, which would leave you with the additional room to grow out the crown without the entire thing looking too tall and a bit odd...
Worked on this one yesterday.
Here’s the thing, I’m only chopping this one to start getting an idea of what building out a canopy on BC is like. These two are the only BC I have room for in my small space, so I tend to have smaller trees. I’m not expecting this guy to be anything grand, it’s just a nursery stock BC, but I am hoping it gives me insight into what to do and not to do. I went extremely aggressive with root pruning, which can I just say was a b*%#^ without power tools. I planted him in left over sifted soil from a previous repot. Again, all of this just to test. I could see some potential carving down the road and bringing that down the trunk. While not able to be seen, there is an interesting hole near the base of the trunk where the tree grew around the bamboo support pole that’ll be more apparent next repot when moved higher.

Washed out all the muck it was sitting in.
Got the plastic pot off and decided it was time for a beer. This is what happiness looks like. Trees, dog, beer.
Worked on this one yesterday.
Here’s the thing, I’m only chopping this one to start getting an idea of what building out a canopy on BC is like. These two are the only BC I have room for in my small space, so I tend to have smaller trees. I’m not expecting this guy to be anything grand, it’s just a nursery stock BC, but I am hoping it gives me insight into what to do and not to do. I went extremely aggressive with root pruning, which can I just say was a b*%#^ without power tools. I planted him in left over sifted soil from a previous repot. Again, all of this just to test. I could see some potential carving down the road and bringing that down the trunk. While not able to be seen, there is an interesting hole near the base of the trunk where the tree grew around the bamboo support pole that’ll be more apparent next repot when moved higher.

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Washed out all the muck it was sitting in.
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Got the plastic pot off and decided it was time for a beer. This is what happiness looks like. Trees, dog, beer.
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Looking good!
Work on building side branches. Don't worry about the apex, BC with grow that in no time. I have learned that lesson myself. When the branches form, massage them downward often even when they are tender to keep them from growing straight up.
Thanks Cajun, I'll have to get creative and think of a tub to use. Might get an old bussing tray or something.

Give idea to avoid mosquitoes, they can get pretty bad here if given the chance.
go to Lowes or Homedepot and buy the tubs used for mixing concrete. Cheap, strong available...
Looking good. As soon as you see callous rolling over the flat cut, carve it for taper.
I’m playing with the idea of carving the top down some and adding a semi hollow feature near the top of the front. I think it would add a lot of interest since the apex is at the back being pulled forward and because it’s a smaller tree. That’s down the road and when I get skilled enough to do such work though.
Some updates since I last posted. The tree has done well overall. I think I rubbed too many suckers off last year and shoulda let it grow out a bit more and do it’s thing. I also feel like I under-feed my trees, so that’s a shift I’m making this year keeping on top of weekly fertilizing and fert cakes.

Back in Oct 2023 we had a guest visitor at the club and we did some light carving up top. Tbh, we ran out of time and didn’t get to do much. I’m hoping to eventually get tools and work on that some more later in the year to get better taper. Wired and pruned. Still debating on having 2 lower branches and the right side is a bit bear, but we’ll see what 2024 growing season holds.
Make progress, I love me some BC
Make progress, I love me some BC
Me too! I got another nursery BC I’m growing out that I’ll probably do a more formal upright with down the road. Needs to beef up a bit before I do any work on it. My club has a Randy Bennett collected BC workshop coming up in June that I’m hoping to be able to get on. Been wanting a collected one for awhile.
If it were mine I would split that bottom.
I’m not sure I know what you mean
Well there’s something I haven’t thought of trying. I actually have another BC in development that I’m just growing out I might try this on.
Did some pruning and wiring on this guy today. The really small branches I did not wire out since they're too thin and risk breaking.

He's coming along not too bad! Still working on my wiring techniques, but miles away from where I used to be. I'm just not sure how sustainable a 12" BC is from a ramification standpoint. Lotssss of pinching involved.


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