Starting from nursery stock Bald Cypress

Nice fluting of the base on the first photo. đź‘Ť

Yes I am really happy to see that develop ..Ill see how much I root trim it this winter..or if i decide to just trim a bit and keep letting it develop I think ill have to trim height a bit, but it has a cool taper now
Well I did another winter root prune as suggested..removed another 10 in of downward root lowering the base ..certainly creating a more attractive look ..The 1/3.. 55 gal barrel is working well
certainly not the most attractive pot but fully functional for now ..allowing the tree to develop IMG_2198.jpgIMG_2197.jpg
Tree 1 was chopped when I removed the air layer. It suffered greatly and did not grow well. I would not do it again.

First rough wiring a couple days ago.
Tree 2 was also chopped with air layer. Rough wiring at lunch yesterday. I admit the job was rushed. I did it because I was bored working from home.
The lazy S was done for giggle. I plan to chop another time in the future so I don't care how it is shaped.20200319_144910.jpg
Were the air layers successful and/or worth the effort?
The air layer was successful but I wouldn’t do it again. The air layered tree did not seem to have good root flare as compared to those from seeds. They grow so fast from seeds so small air layer is not worthwhile. I haven’t done an air layer from anything bigger than 2 inches.

Overall air layering BC is easy but results are so so.
The air layer was successful but I wouldn’t do it again. The air layered tree did not seem to have good root flare as compared to those from seeds. They grow so fast from seeds so small air layer is not worthwhile. I haven’t done an air layer from anything bigger than 2 inches.

Overall air layering BC is easy but results are so so.
Good to know. I have three that are soon to be chopped and I have been weighting pros and cons. Sounds like I shouldn't do it, considering I have 52 seedlings on hand.
Where do you get your seedlings ?
I ordered from an ebay supplier from Missouri. They were shipped bare root/dormant the first week of April. I ordered 25 but they doubled my order. I expected some attrition but every single one is budding out right now :).
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