I remember one year our club was made the hesitant host of a renown master, when another local club had him for a guest and needed to find something for him to do. Recognized by one and all, an American Master, author of several books and------according to him; worthy of much accolade and acclaim. Insisted on this big introduction before he did his demonstration, expounding his accomplishments. He then proceeded to explain to everyone present that we were all a bunch of Mid-Western roobs that had no hope of understanding bonsai. I was floored! Understanding that we were also on the second floor I toyed with the idea of seeing if his accomplishments included the power to fly as well----but I thought better of it. I instead bit my lip and watched him humiliate himself for two hours.
I also recall two or three years ago a guest master that everyone knows and, kind of respects, came to judge our show and do a major demonstration. The demonstration was lack luster and, any one of our intermediate members could have pulled off a better demonstration and obtained better results considering the nature of the material. This too is an example of East Coast Hubris thinking that their state of development is so superior to anyone else, especially us straw-hat wearing Mid West roobs; we should simply be happy to sit and sniff thier flatulating emissions. Got news for you! I know enough to know when some doodie head is taking me for a ride thinking I don't know dog dew from shoe polish, and when it's my money, you can bet I wont be happy about it. Word gets around and if anyone is looking to make their living doing this kind of thing they sure should understand that regardless of what you think of the pig they are the bacon without which you will not survive.
My point in all of this is be careful of a little condition called Hubris; a kind of arrogant pride that makes you think you are better than those around you. In the end there is Karma and that too will catch up with you===== and I mean "you" in the generic sense.
I know one is just putting this out there as a hypothetical....
but, if this is how I felt, that I was so much better than folks on this site, and that they were beneath me, then why would I take the time and energy to talk to them?
Why would I take the time to say on Walter's thread, that what I said here could of been said better. Why would I take the time to offer up advice to work on crappy trees to learn off of, then post crappy trees in hopes of showing them that yes, one can make something nice out of them... you just have to practice and keep at it. That it is possible with not a lot of money, but just determination, to create and have nice trees.
All this flies in the face of what someone who thought they were better than everyone else would do and suggest.
I mean, I understand everyone is upset and offended... but, I have had to take a lot of crap over the years here from some of it's senior members for doing so. Everything, from why do you waste your time with crappy trees, to me being stuck in a rut, to I am not doing bonsai, but instead are creating art. What in the world that means, I haven't the slightest idea? But, the list goes on and on and on...
I am a big enough person to admit that I made a mistake in the way that I addressed folks here, and I am sorry that I offended folks. I can see why they were offended and again I will say I am sorry, that I was wrong!
But, the last thing I will take responsibility for is thinking I am somehow above folks here, because I am not. I will take responsibility, however for being frustrated at the way folks are taught, for I feel it is wrong, and venting as I did.