Here we go again with the induendos, slights, and veiled insults, so let's have at it then, but with the truth, shall we?
Oh boy, here it started all this with innuendo about ignorant and retardataire, so lets keep the record straight.
In response:
You have spent 10 years studying under Boon (my first class with Boon was in 2003 which makes it 6 years I have known him, and do not claim to have graduated from his course) and you do not have one single showable bonsai to your name (while I believe this is true, the reason that it is, is because we disagree on what's showable. I have a much higher standard than you) and yet you accuse others of not doing bonsai. (I never accused you of not doing bonsai, just speaking above your ability and understanding) You present yourself as a Japanese Black Pine expert (on the contrary, I have never claimed in any forum or any chat to be an expert in Japanese black pine or anything else. Others seek me out and seem to find my teaching quite pleasant and informative. How was your "Art and Design Study Group?") and have not a single bonsai of this species that could be called advanced. You, like a cyber-stalker, follow me from thread to thread, forum to forum and always mange to incite a heated debate, (I think many have seen the light of truth in this matter and it's really you who has done what you accuse me of doing.) and yet, you have absolutely no accomplishments in the bonsai community at all. (I don't seek "accomplishments in the bonsai community. I seek to learn as much as I can and share as much as I can, and make my trees the best they can be. In spite of that, clubs from around the country have sought me out to reprint some of my articles in their newsletters. I do not promote myself to make myself seem important.) Most (so now you are "most?") claim your actions are the result of a distirbed fixation on myself that stems from a serious case of envy.
I have just 5 years in bonsai, (although you claimed 8 years to give yourself an aura of respectability when you had zero) never been formally instructed, (I'm shocked, SHOCKED) and guess what, not only can I do bonsai, but I teach, review, write, and critque as well. You like to suggest that I can not do bonsai, (once again your weak ego is reading more into that than there was, but there you go) but I'll put my bonsai up against yours any day of the week, even with your instruction under Boon and twice the time in bonsai as myself. (Are you telling me to put up or shut up? I thought you were above that, and the ability to be a critic did not depend on the ability to do.)
I'd also offer to put my contributions to the bonsai community, or my publishing credits, or my teaching credits up against yours as well, but that would be so one-sided on my part that it would be unethical and be like slapping a drunk. (Contributions schmontributions, almost everyone knows you do it for yourself. I don't have a problem with that, except you claim it's for us. Ick.)
So, as you like to say, put up or shut up (OMG, you are using the phrase) Chris, you have nothing on me, I have came farther in bonsai (in web trolling, yes. In self-promoting, yes. In getting your photo taken with folks you toady to, yes. In bonsai, I doubt it.) in half the time and without instruction than you ever will.
You are nothing more than a envious, cyber-stalking wanna-be, who spends more time trying to defame others and tear down good things than you do anything else. In my opinion, you are an embrassment to the art and especially to your teacher. (Is this guy still talking and misspelling everything even though the window actually prompts for misspelled words?)
In closing, you said "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. Those who can't do either, become critics."
I'll add....."and those that can do all of these things are attacked by those that can do none of them."
Thanks for proving my point, once again. (And you really wonder why editors and posters keep dropping out of your websites....hmmmm)