My year around bonsai work in the Inland Empire, CA

Are you one? Let me make an appointment :D
You will be fine! :-)
I just transplanted this Itoigawa shimpaku grafted California juniper today.
Before. It has only 2 main branches. I don't satisfy with its health condition. It had remained in the current pot and soil since 2009. It is time to improve its health.

As I expect, most of soil was occupied by the garden tree rootage (coming from outside through the drainage holes).
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I use lava cinder: pumice: akadama: ground fir with 2:2:1:1 ratio.
To support the tree in the pot, I had to use 2 wooden blocks placed inside the pot, combined with copper wire to tie down the protruding root surface.
To prevent the movement of copper wire, I used the pieces of IV tubing at the contact points (arrow)


It is placed into the "recovering room" with optimal humidification.

It is overcast with drizzle today!
I have nothing to do in the garden due to weather and working schedule!:(
I just walk around and enjoy the garden. I took the picture of some of antique Chinese pots. I let them sit on the ground around the garden!

I applied lime sulfur solution to all my bonsai this morning for fungal and pest prevention. While doing that, I found the leaf bud on he trident maple (post #328) this morning! :)
I will have lot of fun with it in the future.

Life! My Trident maple cuttings have leaf popping too. Amur maple buds popped out too.
These pomegranate cuttings after 5 months. ( post # 215, 216, and 217). They are still in plastic bag at this time due to cold weather.
The slanting one.

A lot of new shoots appear at the edge and beneath of the cut surface.
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The hollow one. Lot of shoots at the edge of cut surface
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and at the trunk
We will have heavy rain here in a few days, starting tonight. I have to make sure the garden drainage pipe is in working order.
I hear you my friend. Three months ago I put in a sump in my garden with a sump pump to drain excess water during the big storms. I also lowered the water level in my koi pond - just like Oroville without all the government employees and media running around!
I also lowered the water level in my koi pond - just like Oroville without all the government employees and media running around!
I wish the people living aroud the Oroville dam will be fine!
Because my koi pond has an overflow drain, the heavy rain can pour down into the pond without any problem!

Those are some cuttings! Why do they have roots up on the trunk?
If you remember my post "Inverted cutting", this is a reason why we can do this method for some of species.
The humidity is so good for the roots appear in the air!
That's a beautiful shot. I love rain too, it's one of the only problems I think I'll have moving west when we go, that I'll miss the rain so much.
That's a beautiful shot. I love rain too, it's one of the only problems I think I'll have moving west when we go, that I'll miss the rain so much.
Thank you JudyB. But you will get used to it! :(
We are waiting for another rain storm today.
I did not do any major work in the garden today.
This large JBP has nice black barks
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This JBP has an interesting lower trunk. I am thinking to hollow it out in the future.
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Preparing for transplant of this Brazilian rain tree, I cut off the escaping root at the bottom of the colander. Its leaves is changing color at this time.

I also pruned this Montezuma cypress down.

I prepared the pot for Brazilian rain tree this afternoon. As you can see, I use the twine to keep the tree in place.

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