My trees got rejected for the National Show!

April Fools!!!

Oh, wait...

That's next month! Oh... Sorry!!!

No, my tree did get selected! I was outside burning Crepe Myrtle trimmings, and thought I'd have a bit of fun, saying this is what I'd do with the trees that didn't get selected... Not thinking that you guys would think that that none of my trees were selected...

Anyway, my JBP has been accepted. Here's the most recent picture. It's been repotted into this grey pot:


Picture was taken in January. It will get decandled in early June. So, it will be about 3 times as dense as it is in this picture. At the time this was taken, all the 2014 needles had been removed. So only 2015 needles remain on the tree. So, it looks kind of thin.

Here's the plan: this tree responds well to decandling. It will get decandled in early June. It usually responds with two or three new candles (shoots) for every spring candle removed. Therefore, each terminal tip on it now will become two new terminal tips. So, it will have three times as many needles. The ones on it now will stay on for the show.

The apex looks kind of "pointy" in this picture. That's because of some long needles up in the apex. Last May, when I decandled, I left some interior buds up in the apex uncut. In previous years, I had been pretty ruthless up top, aggressively pulling needles up there hoping to induce backbudding. Well, it worked! But those little buds are weak, so you have to let them grow for a year or so to get strong. I let them grow, and they produced 4 inch long needles! That stuck up through the canopy! This year, they'll be strong enough to decandle, and I'll cut their old 4 inch needles in half. The top will look rounder again, and not so pointy. Decandling in June, rather than May, should produce shorter needles at the show. So, the ones everyone will see will be short. The slightly longer 2015 needles will be behind the new needles, and will add a look of "fullness" to the tree.

This has all been carefully planned. You want a tree to "peak" at the right time.

Incidentally, Bill did ask me to bring a shohin display, too. So, I'm still working on that... If I do a complete box stand display, that's 6 trees and an accent plant.

Film at 11...
April Fools!!!

Oh, wait...

That's next month! Oh... Sorry!!!

No, my tree did get selected! I was outside burning Crepe Myrtle trimmings, and thought I'd have a bit of fun, saying this is what I'd do with the trees that didn't get selected... Not thinking that you guys would think that that none of my trees were selected...

Anyway, my JBP has been accepted. Here's the most recent picture. It's been repotted into this grey pot:

View attachment 96280

Picture was taken in January. It will get decandled in early June. So, it will be about 3 times as dense as it is in this picture. At the time this was taken, all the 2014 needles had been removed. So only 2015 needles remain on the tree. So, it looks kind of thin.

Here's the plan: this tree responds well to decandling. It will get decandled in early June. It usually responds with two or three new candles (shoots) for every spring candle removed. Therefore, each terminal tip on it now will become two new terminal tips. So, it will have three times as many needles. The ones on it now will stay on for the show.

The apex looks kind of "pointy" in this picture. That's because of some long needles up in the apex. Last May, when I decandled, I left some interior buds up in the apex uncut. In previous years, I had been pretty ruthless up top, aggressively pulling needles up there hoping to induce backbudding. Well, it worked! But those little buds are weak, so you have to let them grow for a year or so to get strong. I let them grow, and they produced 4 inch long needles! That stuck up through the canopy! This year, they'll be strong enough to decandle, and I'll cut their old 4 inch needles in half. The top will look rounder again, and not so pointy. Decandling in June, rather than May, should produce shorter needles at the show. So, the ones everyone will see will be short. The slightly longer 2015 needles will be behind the new needles, and will add a look of "fullness" to the tree.

This has all been carefully planned. You want a tree to "peak" at the right time.

Incidentally, Bill did ask me to bring a shohin display, too. So, I'm still working on that... If I do a complete box stand display, that's 6 trees and an accent plant.

Film at 11...
Glad to hear it!
glad to hear it.
I hope to see it in person at which point i will light it on fire as a penalty for your tomfoolery exhibited here today.
I bet those shohin display stands burn nicely...

Congrats Adair, I look forward to carefully inspecting this tree during the show. Make sure any wiring is perfect!

Do you have a picure of this tree when you first obtained It?


Sorry, it's not the best picture. But, you get the idea. It was a nice tree, but kinda rough.

Here's what I know of its history:

  • It's an imported tree, maybe 20 years prior to this picture, which was taken in June 2013. From about 2000 to 2013, it was owned by a man in Sacramento.
He was one of Boon's clients. He was getting elderly, and he told Boon, he couldn't look after it properly, so could Boon find a new owner.

I was in the right place at the right time to aquire it.

Remember the"Bonsai" stamps? The trees on the stamps were drawings of actual trees. The JBP was owned by Jonas Duprich, of Bonsai Tonight fame. They have an Opening Day ceremony for the commemorative stamps, and the actual trees were on display. Unfortunately, Jonas' tree was unavailable. The ceremony was in Sacramento, and this tree was displayed as an example of a JBP. I'm sure it looked better in those days.

Anyway, when I got it, it was pretty neglected!
I look forward to carefully inspecting this tree during the show. Make sure any wiring is perfect!

Chris, some is better than others! It took me over a year to wire this tree! I'd do it during my Intensive Classes. At any given class, I'd only have enough time to do one or two branches. (Remember, Boon would come along and inspect to see if the work was satisfactory, so several branches had to be rewired several times!). I was very happy that when I finished the apex, Boon didn't have to make me rewire anything!

Now, I'm not saying it was perfect, just acceptable! Lol!! But... Some of that wiring has gotten old, and it's time for it to be removed and replaced! Especially on the lower branches. That's where I started.
For some reason the taper on the raw stock looked a lot better than the refined one.
For some reason the taper on the raw stock looked a lot better than the refined one.
It's the background. There's some stuff in the background that makes it look part of the lower trunk.

you are terrible :):eek:
I spent a good part of the day trying to think of something to cheer you up.
Congratulations !

Now do I join NYbonsai12 and we have a B.B.Q night :p:):eek:
Best Wishes.
Gratz Adair. Not sure if Im going to be able to make it up there this year. Ive never been to one and I would love to, just dont know yet if I can.
This is sooooo a guys joke! You are not the first man to pull April Fools...on a given first of the month...for a month that isn't April. Lol
Actually, I didn't even mean to start it as an April Fools kinda joke. I was just saying the fire is what to do with the rejects...

Ah, the Internet!

I was in a funny mood today. See my post on Anthony's compost thread.
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