Got some new Trees! (lots of pics and questions)

Considering that is a setup that can be used for indoor cultivation of tomatoes as well as "not tomatoes", I would venture to guess that the setup would be able to handle all of the light requirements of any tree. You have to remember that it's used commonly to grow a plant that originates from a mountainous habitat. Ramping up the light and humidity, it would satisfy the requirements of a tropical plant.

Sounds to me like the guy is excited to have bonsai trees down at "the office" too. I have one in my office, doesn't mean I'm trying to sell you banking software to update the 99/2000 switch over.

In reading, it seems that most "outdoor" plants that are kept indoors fail because of lack of light intensity. It looks like his setup has that handled.
Considering that is a setup that can be used for indoor cultivation of tomatoes as well as "not tomatoes", I would venture to guess that the setup would be able to handle all of the light requirements of any tree. You have to remember that it's used commonly to grow a plant that originates from a mountainous habitat. Ramping up the light and humidity, it would satisfy the requirements of a tropical plant.

Sounds to me like the guy is excited to have bonsai trees down at "the office" too. I have one in my office, doesn't mean I'm trying to sell you banking software to update the 99/2000 switch over.

In reading, it seems that most "outdoor" plants that are kept indoors fail because of lack of light intensity. It looks like his setup has that handled.

tropical yes but a pine will die without the dormancy. May not be right away but it will die. Sure you can keep a tree indoors with proper lighting(I do this with my tropicals in the winter) but nothing beats the sun-nothing. And mugo,junipers will fail, kept year round inside-anyway point has been made on that so good luck with your tree's
tropical yes but a pine will die without the dormancy. May not be right away but it will die. Sure you can keep a tree indoors with proper lighting(I do this with my tropicals in the winter) but nothing beats the sun-nothing. And mugo,junipers will fail, kept year round inside-anyway point has been made on that so good luck with your tree's

Correct...dormancy has been brought members...those post comments disregarded. But hey...maybe they don't need to go dormant?

Poster also works at a place that...SELLS this stuff. He works for Little Heck's Hydroponics & Organic Supply. How do I know this...

About cooldaddyfunk286
Saratoga Springs, NY
google "Little Heck's"
Little Heck's
Again...poster has disregarded several mentioning of dormancy. But...oh wait...

We are still finding our way with growing these trees almost against their will in the grow tent, but the Trees certainly love it. Every one has been struttin its stuff, even with trees on different ends of the spectrum.
I think I saw a couple junipers and some kind of pine maybe? People grow junipers inside all the time I'm told. I'm not sure about the pine though. I believe that those may need a dormancy period. Maybe someone that knows for sure will chime in.

Boy ,sarcasm doesn't show up in print does it?
Junipers,pines and spruces all need dormancy! A mugo pine?! Probably already dieing. The spruce not far behind. I would also keep the elms outdoors just because they like a breath of fresh air. Junipers inside? That's a can of worms that's been opened before and it was smelly. Let's just say the consensus was that they do best outdoors except for the sweet little old lady who grows one insidea for 22 years.
Of course they want to sell the grow tent to Bonsai hobbiests. I'm from Michigan where marijuana is legal for medicine. These tents are everywhere. Growing trees in it was a great idea right after smoking a hog leg.
What about all the members here that run nurseries? Or you showcasing your husbands *professional* contracting work? No different. I don't see this guy pushing his stuff on anyone, and all that I've seen in this thread is that the stuff they sell to dudes growing "not tomatoes" also happens to work well for bonsai in his experience.

No more, no less.

Is he heeding the advice given? Maybe, maybe not. His thread, his trees, his boss's money.
Is he heeding the advice given? Maybe, maybe not. His thread, his trees, his boss's money.

I wasn't gonna post in this again, but that last part of that almost made me squirt hot tea out my nose. I don't know if that was intended to be funny but it tickled me in the right spot lol
What about all the members here that run nurseries? Or you showcasing your husbands *professional* contracting work? No different. I don't see this guy pushing his stuff on anyone, and all that I've seen in this thread is that the stuff they sell to dudes growing "not tomatoes" also happens to work well for bonsai in his experience.

No more, no less.

Is he heeding the advice given? Maybe, maybe not. His thread, his trees, his boss's money.

"Works well for bonsai in his experience" What experience?
What about all the members here that run nurseries? Or you showcasing your husbands *professional* contracting work? No different. I don't see this guy pushing his stuff on anyone, and all that I've seen in this thread is that the stuff they sell to dudes growing "not tomatoes" also happens to work well for bonsai in his experience.

No more, no less.

Is he heeding the advice given? Maybe, maybe not. His thread, his trees, his boss's money.

Members who...give valuable information along with years experience...good to my husbands work...oh wait, yes I guess you FOUND that thread it lists the name of his business complete with all sorts of well as on my about me page... (Trying for sarcasm...did I pull it off?). :o the ignore option going to be putting it to good use!

So done feeding trolls!
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"Works well for bonsai in his experience" What experience?

Members who...give valuable information along with years experience...good to my husbands work...oh wait, yes I guess you FOUND that thread it lists the name of his well as on my about me page... (Trying for sarcasm...did I pull it off?). :o the ignore option going to be putting it to good use!

So done feeding trolls!

Everyone has to start somewhere. Who else is experimenting with these techniques?

I do enjoy the fact that the collection of leg jumpers does equate to expierence apparently.
Members who...give valuable information along with years experience...good to my husbands work...oh wait, yes I guess you FOUND that thread it lists the name of his well as on my about me page... (Trying for sarcasm...did I pull it off?). :o the ignore option going to be putting it to good use!

So done feeding trolls!

The people from the Upper Peninsula call the people from the Lower Peninsula of Michigan trolls because we live under the Mackinac Bridge! I live in the Lower Peninsula.
Truly though all fun aside. The pine,spruce,juniper and elms really need to be outside for their health. I don't own any tropicals so they would probably do well. The ganja grows like weeds in a tent.
The people from the Upper Peninsula call the people from the Lower Peninsula of Michigan trolls because we live under the Mackinac Bridge! I live in the Lower Peninsula.
Truly though all fun aside. The pine,spruce,juniper and elms really need to be outside for their health. I don't own any tropicals so they would probably do well. The ganja grows like weeds in a tent.

I would feed you Mike...interesting though how that came to be a nickname.
I would feed you Mike...interesting though how that came to be a nickname.

I always thought it was cool to be called a troll. Billy goat gruff and all. I never knew being a troll was a derogatory term until I saw it on here. Still think it's cool though.
Maybe I need one of those grow tents! Hahaaa! For not tomatoes!
I always thought it was cool to be called a troll. Billy goat gruff and all. I never knew being a troll was a derogatory term until I saw it on here. Still think it's cool though.
Maybe I need one of those grow tents! Hahaaa! For not tomatoes!

I forget where I was when I heard the term used as troll for ones trying to spam a website. I think on a dog forum of all places. I was clueless...and was like...what's a troll!?!

It is a shame...that they tossed a troll out for such a thing...that story of Billy Goat Gruff was a classic! Still embrace the troll as a troll before the internet was around...back when it trolls were cool. Surely still are if it's in the location one lives...and not a spammer.
they aren't for sale, we are obsessed with these guys are nuts. lets rewind here alittle, Im not a troll...and Im not out to sell anything by being on this forum, we arent selling our bonsai trees period. Im asking for legitimate advice here.

Have you all been doing this so long you forgot what the beginning feels like?

M.Frary .

Sarcasm only shows up in text if you don pink thongs!

Have you all been doing this so long you forgot what the beginning feels like?

M.Frary .

Sarcasm only shows up in text if you don pink thongs!


Of course I remember the beginning. There was Adam and Eve and a snake and an apple tree. Who could forget that.
Now it's present day and we know that mugo pines and spruces need to be outdoors for their health. Now I know these tents and I know that a tropica tree will do just fine in one. They replicate the tropical enviormen............ why am I replying to a sales thread.
Sorry Sorce. This is stupid. You and I know that some of these trees are goners. I'm done telling them.
Good luck fellas!
I have been researching the crap out of every species of tree we have. the update post I made was originally going to be a new thread titled something like "growing bonsai indoors?" We have acquired alot of trees in a short period of time. We just wanted to have a good lot of trees so that we don't over tinker with any ONE tree...hoping to keep busy with different trees at different times of the year. Its not like I plan to keep them all on that table under the same conditions forever...I just figured, given the circumstances and the time of year that it was a decent idea to put them in the tent while we learn. atleast every tree is VERY happy for the moment anyway! Our experiment with wrapping the trunks and keeping them misted is growing phenomenal aerial roots already.

This hobby has really grabbed my boss and I, thats the ONLY reason Im here. This seemed like a great forum to park my ass down and learn. Im sorry that I came across trollish, just excited about the trees and the setup, and I just wanted to make sure I provided enough info...I guess i shoulda started w the trees instead of the growing setup! I guess since Im at work with all of our trees, I came across as a hydro eqip. salesman lol, I was making facebook posts representing our shop at the same time, so that didn't help, Im just excited guys, a very enthusiastic person to say the least...especially w a hobby like this.

like I said, I have been researching ALOT. I know 15 trees is alot to take on at once, for a beginner...but theres 2 of us with extensive horticulture background, and I am here at my shop for 8-9 hours, 6 days a I have all the time in the world to put into the trees.

I have learned alot in such a short amount of time. alot about each species... my purpose here is just to get opinions and tips, double check what I THINK I know...things like that. Im not some idiot flying blind at this who picked up 15 trees and did no research and expect you all to teach me! LOL, I know its really hard to tell over the internet what peoples intentions are. but mine are strictly being a fellow Bonsai nerd. Plus, I hadn't seen anyone growing bonsai indoors in a grow tent (for a reason), so I thought it would be impressive for you guys to see.

I just wanted to explain my situation alittle further. thanks to all you guys that replied w some good info, Im actually going to go back and read every bit of it right now, I meant to post this yesterday, but it got away from me.

thanks in advance guys for all the help, again Im sorry for rubbing some ppl the wrong way at first. Every hobby has a great/the best forum, full of truly knowledgeable and passionate people...Every hobby that I pursue I find myself fumbling at first to learn the specific forums ropes. They are always different and at a different level of snobbyness ya know?! lol. (no offense, Im right there with everyone else when it comes to other forums I have been on for years.)

Thanks again guys.
lol I see where you guys are coming from, but Cadillactaste, you took it alittle too far! and JEEZ so what that I put where I work on my profile, I didn't expect anyone to see it, and I have never named my shop once on here in a thread, never my intention. I think I was more trying to reassure you guys that I have the knowledge (as far as growing...NOT bonsai trees)and the tools to do a great job. I WISH we could sell tents to bonsai enthusiast, but those are few and VERY far between, probably once every 5-10 years. I have been working at hydro shops for yeears...this is the first one I manage and opened. Unfortunately in all my years working at the grow shop, I have never had ONE bonsai enthusiast...atleast not that I know of! We don't even have a real website yet, let alone trying to sell ANYONE ANYTHING over the internet lol, only 4 months old! So, Im sorry guys, but I just got pretty offended because what everyone was snowballing with was so far from true, Im not even that type of person. but in hindsight I see why Caddy may have thought that, and put connections together that really weren't there.

Timetravel 0 nailed it. I thought I had some bases covered. the light can switch intensity and spectrums also, and I can control temp and humidity.

But seriously, I know where you all are coming from and I apologize. No hard feelings on my end at all! and YES, that was stupid to assume/not even think that you would be able to see what species the trees were from the pics provided. Idk what I was thinkin! my first bonsai which kicked it all off is a Juni that I have outdoors on my back deck at home. and I started my first thread about that one. But I bought that and put it outside riiight before it got too cold, I can't really keep any of these trees outside at this point because it would be such a drastic environment change, even with acclimating, I can see the trees getting F'd up. and the only reason I didn't comment on the elms being outside is that these 2 Chinese elms we have are actually growing the fastest, and the most lush out of any of the trees. So, from my end Im kinda thinking, boy this tree is HAAAPPPPY...why would I change that? but then the other half of me knows that these trees are not all tropicals and are going to require different thing at different times of the year. But really, these Elms are doing FANTASTIC. I can post some before and after shots if anyone wants. Every day I pick off maybe 3-5 leaves dropping off the bigger elm, but for every one leaf that goes, there 6 new ones coming!

Plus, we are kind of in a shopping plaza here, and I would be afraid of someone stealing our trees, or something out of my control happening. I do understand that that isn't always a bad thing, and that these trees are TREES and not other crops like timetravel mentioned. Im so used to indoor plants being indoors, and outdoor plants being outdoors. Otherwise you can bring in uninvited pests, mildew, all the classics. so thats just embedded in me after so many years and growing so many different types of crops indoors. I gotta keep reminding myself that these are TREES. Even the guy at the bonsai center where I have been shopping gave me some shit about growing the elms indoors...told me no matter what we do, all the leaves will drop...Its not that I don't believe him, its just that at this rate, these 2 elms are REALLY taking off under these conditions, I read a quick change in environment can make the trees unhappy.

Over the summers we should be able to plant some of these directly in the ground, or in raised beds, we just actually dumped a load of compost and made a new garden bed out front thats empty and waiting for spring. I think if they are part of the property, everyone would have enough respect to leave it alone. not a real heavy foot traffic area.

Will the evergreen varieties be okay grown indoors over the winter if we take them out of the tent and let them experience a colder temp and lower light? someone mentioned there are people who grow Junis indoors with success? anyone have a good link on this?

And despite all I have said in defense of the Elms lol...what do you guys honestly think? Try to get them to a different environment slowly, or leave them for now because they are growing like crazy? does defoliating ever help a plants dormancy? or is that just used for a better look at the structure and branch ramification and easier wiring?

really appreciate your advise guys, thank you. Sorry these have been so long, I'll try and keep em shorter for everyones sake! :)
Of course I remember the beginning. There was Adam and Eve and a snake and an apple tree. Who could forget that.
Now it's present day and we know that mugo pines and spruces need to be outdoors for their health. Now I know these tents and I know that a tropica tree will do just fine in one. They replicate the tropical enviormen............ why am I replying to a sales thread.
Sorry Sorce. This is stupid. You and I know that some of these trees are goners. I'm done telling them.
Good luck fellas!

dude this is in no way a sales thread! The tent is in the garage/warehouse/back of the shop...its much less heated and alot colder back there in the winters here in upstate NY, so really I could control this tent to be at any condition I need, I just cant yet due to having different types and only the one place to keep them, for now. If the evergreens need to experience dormancy and it just CANT be replicated indoors given my circumstances, I will most definitely get them outside. I dont want you to be done telling me man, you have a horrible taste in your mouth about my situation because you think its fake, but its not! so given that everything you think is wrong, I honestly want your help. Please. This isnt necessary.

*EDIT* I just had a thought, until I figure something out and split the trees up, maybe I can bring the temp and humidity down to a more average medium so that its more versatile for the different species? I dont know. We'll see what you guys think. Im here to learn and have you guys tell me what I need to do differently. my whole purpose for posting (not how it came off I guess) was just to figure out where to go w this and what to do. super noob.
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So I get 4 pages of flames and private investigating and slandering in just less than 2 iv apologized, fully explained my self and my good intentions thru the book I wrote up there, now its clear this isnt a scam thread and im passionate about doing this right ...but besides for all the lame insulting assumptions, and slander and one has any thing to say about anything I took the time to explain and the legitimate questions I have? Especially when I answered EVERYTHING I was asked to elaborate on.

First id have to be the biggest loser on earth to spend any time making up a big elaborate story in the bonsai forum to sell you ppl things? Really? That happens alot on these type of boards? I would never do that nor would I have a thing to gain. Like I expect to get local customers? Haha

I thought this seemed like a great group to learn from and the right community to be a part of. Was I wrong? Is this forum not friendly to beginners that are alittle too enthusiastic and excited? I figured after fully explaining EVERYTHING for some of you like I got was asked, but instead got wicked flamed forum in no time..someone may have something to say or answer a single question. Like i said one person makes an assumption and I get a few pages in a day of half u guys insulting me and jumping on that banwagon...that sounds more like internet troll activity than anything I said. Especially when all I was looking for was the propper advice. Im 28 years old. How old are you fellas jumping to conclusions and trying to slander a beginner and run me off the boards for diving knee deep into a hobby and doing the best I can? Which from what I gather is better than alot of beginners do weeks into the hobby. Isnt that proof enough?

Not looking for apologies...all I want is to be treated civil from here on out and be taken seriously. Just bummed that most and not all and thank u for the good posts) of the advice I got was telling me and everyone else here to basically tell me to go f* myself. Not cool. I hope this is a better place than that. Thanks again timetravel and anyone else who took my side. At least you were able to give me the benefit of the doubt like most adults would.

Please guys read my posts. I answered all questions asked and provided alot for you guys and all im asking is alittle bit warmer of a welcoming.

You're lucky to have all the resources of a hydro store behind your new hobby, cool.

I am strictly an outdoor nut myself probably the majority of people here are so maybe less enthusiasm for your set up due to that.

My name only advice now is that for future purchases meant for your indoor setup its probably best to stick with tropical plants until you know more about dealing with the elms and junipers etc.
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